In many western countries populations may be around 50 million up to 300 million whereas in the east populations may be around 100 million up to billions. Wang would agree with Plato that anyone can recognize what is good and not good regarding morality. -Since the discovery of easternphilosophyby western explorers and scholars in the 18th and 19th centuries CE, there has been an arbitrary division maintained, especially in colleges and universities, between western philosophy and eastern philosophy as though these two systems present radically different views of the world. But in the west, parents will send their children to the school closest to their house, which is usually located close to where they were raised or to work. Check out this link for the playlist. Improving the efficiency of green innovation has become an urgent issue in the transformation of manufacturing industries in most developing countries within the context of increasing resource scarcity and environmental constraints. Behavioral ethics Feeling oneself as an element of the Divine Life is a service (to the God, money, business, etc.) But why did the different thinking styles emerge in the first place? Wang and Plato both agree that what prevents a person from acting on what they know is selfish desires which confuse people and make them choose to act badly even when they know they should not. Although there are certainly differences between Eastern and Western philosophical systems, they both aim at the same goal of apprehending Truth and understanding the best way to live one's life. individuals in the table below. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. Whereas in the West it could be said it is the opposite. Web. The concepts of the self differ in both the Western and Eastern cultures. In this same way, Wang Yangming advocates for the supremacy of intuition in moral matters. And it is usually not the most experienced that goes up the ladder. He is particularly pleased that researchers like Talhelm are beginning to set up big projects to try to understand the kaleidoscope of different ways of thinking. As set they differ in their features but mostly because they are oriented in different directions. Yet the small number of available studies which had examined people from other cultures would suggest that this is far from the case. Abstract. Activate your 30 day free trialto unlock unlimited reading. Where can you find the Philippines in the distinction? Individual self has Its dependence on other self. Staff will take an active role in team activities in order to gain praise and social reward. Although there are many challenges in the West, its clear that there is no consensus on consumer unification over history, traditions, and western culture. Nisbett points out that Western philosophers emphasised freedom and independence, whereas Eastern traditions like Taoism tended to focus on concepts of unity. Not a leaf was stirred, not the chirping of a bird or a living thing. It was, he thought, a timeless place, straight out of pre-history. How amazing it is that this rich and beautiful country, the property of one of the oldest and most densely populated nations of the world should have remained so long unoccupied and almost as unknown as the African deserts, he added. Consider the USA, the most individualistic of all Western countries. They further discuss that lasting rewards come to one who considers virtue before possessions of the world. Whereas Japanese people from other islands were more likely to explore the context such as the pressure to succeed the Hokkaido Japanese were more likely to blame the players personality or a flaw in his moral character. And that the West struggles to innovate and compete. As Hussain points out, there are many historic connections between Eastern and Western countries that will mean that some people straddle both ways of thinking, and factors like age and class will also have an effect. We agree on the illness. So some of the east vs west differences I found whilst spending time in China, its clear that collectivism is at the forefront of the national psyche. There is no difference in their fundamental ideas. Wang's theory of intuition could be compared to one of the most basic of human needs: eating. Just as a child knows when it is hungry, a person knows how to be good. There is no division between eastern or western philosophy when it comes to the most basic questions of what it means to be a human being. The similarities between eastern and western philosophy are greater than any differences cited by modern-day writers and lecturers on the topic. Step #2 of 2. In 2010, an influential article in the journal Behavioral and Brain Sciences reported that the vast majority of psychological subjects had been western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic, or Weird for short. Almost all the people he questioned are not directly involved in farming, of course but the historical traditions of their regions are still shaping their thinking. Another interrelated difference between Eastern and Western education is how learning itself is seen as a mean to an end. In the western sense of individualism team building is less prevalent. The first illustration is the focus on Confucius and Aristotle, the eastern and western philosophers respectively. The stillness of death reigned over this magnificent scene, he later wrote. Epictetus, on the other hand, says It is not circumstances themselves that trouble people, but their judgments about those circumstances. These statements are basically similar but only different words used. Explore the similarities and differences between how Western and Eastern Worlds perceive God. Community orientation. Culture pervades every aspect of life. And, in fact, there was a famous debate regarding these two points of view that occurred in the second century bce , between King Menander, a Greek who ruled northwestern India, and a Buddhist monk Nagasena. Everyone wants to make a better life for themselves and their families. Similarities. No infant is ever taught that it 'should' be hungry, and no child is ever instructed in making their need for food known to adults. Larger than Life status of leaders: In the eastern cultures, the leader assumes supreme status. The Greek philosopherEpictetus(c. 50-130 CE) said the same thing when he wrote, It is not circumstances themselves that trouble people, but their judgments about those circumstances. (Enchiridion, I:v) Epictetus says that one should not even feardeathbecause one does not know whether death is a good or a bad thing. Framework. Eastern culture's belief that a person's idenitty is derived fromhis or her social group. Western people are more indulged in maintaining quality of worldly life. The problem of the self currently remains unsolved. What are the factors that make the Philippines similar or different from its Asian 28 Feb 2023. She has published historical essays and poetry. autonomous entity; it is an part of the universe and the. Do you want to watch the complete discussion for Understanding the Self. Self-actualization is mainly a western concept originally coined by Kurt Goldstein while self-realization traces its roots to eastern concepts, particularly Indian philosophy. Western Eastern In the east there may be a social pressure to conform and therefore, people will keep their opinions to themselves more often. The most often cited difference is that western philosophy is fragmentary while eastern philosophy is holistic. Self-actualization is the motive or drive to realize one's full potential while self-realization is the process of fully realizing one's personality. Until recently, scientists had largely ignored the global diversity of thinking. Whereas, if we talk about good culture, beliefs, customs, the eastern part of the world overpowers the western one. The northernmost of Japans islands, Hokkaido was remote, with a stormy sea separating it from Honshu. World History Encyclopedia. the differences in their answers, and the similarities. Historians such as Frederick Jackson Turnerhave long argued that the expansion and exploration into the west has nurtured a more independent spirit, as each pioneer battled the wilderness and each other for their own survival. There are no sharp divides between two culture's different ways of thinking, and people in immigrant communities may incorporate both mindsets (Credit: Getty images), Although some people have claimed that our social orientation may have a genetic element, the evidence to date suggests that it is learned from others. Write top five (5) differences between Western and Eastern society, culture, and individuals in the table below. Eastern culture believes that one's future is determined by one's deeds today. Hokkaido's population rapidly grew from just a few thousand to the six million people who live there today (Credit: Alamy). Proponents There is no difference in their fundamental ideas. In doing so, one might be able to shed light on one's own views of the Self, and perhaps arrive at some . World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. In the West, the ego (regardless of the various ways in which theorists define it) is seen as central to identity and personality. In addition, among western religious believers, their future . In Western culture, the concept of the self is a central motivational universe that is more or less integrated. culture-and-people. 1.The self is a distinct and 1.The self is an integrated. Though arguably many will actively participate in order to be of use as well. Thomas Talhelm at the University of Chicago recently examined 28 different provinces of China, finding that the thinking orientation appeared to reflect the local agriculture of the region. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. The works of both these men deal with what is good and what is the right way to understand ones existence. The philosophers state that all human beings are born with the ability to differentiate right from wrong and bad from good. Anatman is contrasted with the Vedic teachings of the Buddha's day, which taught that there is within each of us an atman, or an unchanging, eternal soul or identity . Concept of self in the east: Eastern world had philosophies like taoism, buddhism, hinduism, confucianism etc.., Self does not exists in Its essential form. passive. The eastern and western philosophy present similar issues when it comes to the idea of the state of being a human being. If we can examine and think about things from every angle, thought process, and point of view, the better off we will be in the world. The empiricist argument that there is a lack of evidence for innate knowledge cannot be supported by empirical facts; a person must be aware that they should pursue something before they can pursue it. And there is a growing evolution in Southeast Asia of Tech hubs and innovation In the western civilization, the self is given preference over family and hence decisions on priority and relevance of relationships are of the individual. The criticism that Mo-Ti and Plato aim at different ends, mentioned above, is untenable in that both philosophers make clear that one must concentrate on the improvement of the self before one tries to improve others. More liberal, allows people to be open Very basically, anatta (or anatman in Sanskrit) is the teaching that there is no permanent, eternal, unchanging, or autonomous "self" inhabiting "our" bodies or living "our" lives. Yes, holidays with family and time off is important. Well at least traditionally it was. Thank you for your help! Richard C. Page, Richard C. Page. Travellers daring to make the crossing would have then had to endure the notoriously brutal winters, rugged volcanic landscape and savage wildlife. This may also have something to do with stages of economic development. In many cases, the consequences are broadly as you would expect. Search for more papers by this author Home | east vs west cultural differences | East vs West culture Top 20 differences and similarities. World History Encyclopedia, 17 Jan 2016. Although Western Philosophy tends to focus on the parts in an idea, the Eastern Philosophers focus to look at an idea as a whole. East vs. west - The concept of "east" lumps many different cultures together that blur vast differences. We need you to be detailed. This chapter first examines the fact that the cultural differences between Western individualism and East Asian collectivism have . I have noticed is that in the West there is more of an expectation of stability and consistency from leadership and individuals in general as compared with the East. Philosophy is a manner of thinking about the most basic questions and problem faced by human beings. In 2008, Corey Fincher (now at the University of Warwick) and colleagues analysed global epidemiological data to show a regions score of individualism and collectivism appear to correlate with disease prevalence: the more likely you are to get infection, the more collectivist you are, and the less individualistic. Western people think that their culture is more civilized than eastern cultures, while Eastern people think that theirs is more pure and sincere compare to manipulated western cultures. "Similarities Between Eastern & Western Philosophy." Western and Eastern - Concept of the Self, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Auditing and Assurance Concepts and Applications (Darell Joe O. Asuncion, Mark Alyson B. Ngina, Raymund Francis A. Escala), Principles of Managerial Finance (Lawrence J. Gitman; Chad J. Zutter), The Law on Obligations and Contracts (Hector S. De Leon; Hector M. Jr De Leon), Principios de Anatomia E Fisiologia (12a. Western Eastern More liberal, allows people to be open minded and critical. EASTERN WESTERN MAIN PRINCIPLES. Whereas in the East companies are much more agile, and adaptive. Results from the TST studies described earlier provide additional support for the role of culture . Join 800,000+ Future fans by liking us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Instagram. The most often cited difference is that western philosophy is 'fragmentary' while eastern philosophy is 'holistic'. The Western culture believes that one's future is unknown and that it is determined by God. in Asia it is common for people to chit chat about food. Key Concepts. It does this in several ways and some of which are to wanting to look unproductive and wanting to take an active role in leading the group to be more productive. Whether you're backpacking in Vietnam or interning abroad in Beijing, the interface between your own cultural norms and those of your new surroundings can lead to fascinating . For some women, these precautions are taken to avoid negative encounters the komieth, and have very little, if anything,, The author identifies the differences between East and West being our inherent basic ideologies. 809 certified writers online. Media use, in particular, tended to be the biggest predictor of the shift. Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?" We will write a custom Essay on Western and Eastern Conceptions of Self and Socialization specifically for you. I believe that there are positives from both ways of thinking that can be applied to everyday business and life. Write an essay on the following questions. Further, such distinctions distort one's perception of history in that, once people accept a fundamental difference between East and West, they may tend to view the history of respective cultures as radically different from each other. Wonhyo would agree with that since he believed that everything was One and all of the experiences a person has in life are just a part of the One Experience of being a human being. Working in Asia for many years, I came across many of the points assigned to Asian culture. 2.Interdependence and. Some of this occurs in considering the west, but cultural distinctions are generally more readily acknowledged., However, when it comes to family culture, class culture, individual (or country) tends to keep their own culture and stick to what they believe in. Required fields are marked *. World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. The relativist philosophies of the Chinese sophist Teng Shih (l. 6th century BCE) and the Greek sophist Protagoras (5th century BCE) are almost identical. Read about our approach to external linking. This article is the first part ofThe Human Planet, a new series in which BBC Future uses cutting-edge science to explore our extraordinary diversity. Answer: The similarities between eastern and western philosophy are greater than any differences cited by modern-day writers and lecturers on the topic. As a simple example, imagine that you see a picture of someone tall intimidating someone smaller. Concepts of the Self: Western and Eastern Perspectives. But this thirst for self-validation also manifests in overconfidence, with many experiments showing that Weird participants are likely to overestimate their abilities. This tendency for self-inflation appears to be almost completely absent in a range of studies across East Asia; in fact, in some cases the participants were more likely to underestimate their abilities than to inflate their sense of self-worth. Here, there are only two fundamental choices: either the individual comes before the collective, or the collective comes before the individual. Yet the rapid migration to its northern territory resembles the rush to settle Americas Wild West; the Emperor Meijis government even employed agriculturists from the US, like Horace Capron, to help cultivate the land. What one person does or experiences is completely independent of other people and the world at large. Western perspectives about self are inherently dualistic. Non-western or collectivistic cultures view the self as interdependent and inseparable from social context and individuals socialized to value interconnectedness consider the thoughts and behaviors of others. An example given by academic scholars is how Confucius' analects deal with both the inner and outer life of a person (holistic) while Aristotle's works emphasize how one should conduct one's self to live well among others (fragmentary). The most often cited difference is that western philosophy is 'fragmentary' while eastern philosophy is . Life is a journey towards eternal realities that are beyond the realities that surround us. And to have a better and shared prosperous future, all cultures must work together to improve the future for everyone. Much however go into the nitty-gritty or finesse of details about their points of departure, I think similarities, broadly speaking, can be drawn in favor . True "Me" is given and doesn't Changing sometimes month to month. If you liked this story,sign up for the weekly features newsletter, called If You Only Read 6 Things This Week. The special cultural, political and economic characteristics of "the West" are, however, not universally agreed upon, nor are its geographical limits and stereotypes of the West mask the cultural, physical and historical differences within this vast and varied region., Those who live in the West have different ideas of what the West is depending on where they are in the world. Its a realty that is hard to avoid. Whereas in the west it would be unthinkable to throw people under the bus and many people would need at least a fair amount of notice in order to prepare. No. Circular view of the universe, based on the perception of eternal recurrence. 10. In Plato's Meno, Socrates praises a slave who knows geometry although he has never been taught it. Further, such distinctions distort ones perception of history in that, once people accept a fundamental difference between East and West, they may tend to view the history of respective cultures as radically different from each other. And this thinking style also extends to the way we categorise inanimate objects. In the West traditionally companies will hire for longer and expect consistent productivity. Brand Equity business and finance homework help.docx, break even net present internal rate of return.docx, Booklet on DAD Guest House_Transit Facilities.pdf, FAZAIA RUTH PFAU MEDICAL COLLEGE ,KARACHI,PAKISTAN, Break elevator norms nursing writers.docx, Brainstorming Change Project My Nursing Experts.docx, CIDER 2023 - State of the Nation: K-12 E-learning in Canada, br105 understanding silicon valley My Nursing Experts.docx, No public clipboards found for this slide, Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. One of the main points when considering culture round the world is population size. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. In the western religion, the concepts employed are found within the Bible while the eastern religion's concepts are found in the Vedic concepts which apply to Hinduism, Buddhism, Jains, and Sikhs. Two philosophers Plato for the west and Wang Yangming for the east discuss this fundamental topic. Please support World History Encyclopedia. universe and the society. The Eastern and Western religions both have some things in common as well as some things they can vary. Eastern thoughts: 1. raise questions about the ultimate meaning of life. Having worked in China and Asia for many years, its clear that we all value improving our lives and families lives. To confirm the voluntary settlement theory, however, psychologists would want to examine a second, independent, case study as a counterpoint. Child knows when it comes to the six million people who live there (. On the topic the individual comes before the individual before the individual comes before the comes... 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