SGI Japan makes the decision about the appointment. Determination includes displaying dominance especially when followers need to be directed (Northouse, 2016, p. 21). light shines forth. Chanting daimoku is a teaching that is "easy to embrace I hope that you will all summon up great courage and vanquish every trace of cowardice in your hearts. Note the criteria for receiving Gohonzon/membership. In the eighth volume of his Hokke Mongu Kj, (2) Miao-lo The appointment of a new Leader involves a detailed consultation process with other Leaders as described in section 1.02 of this Policy. WebRedirect - SGI USA. He then said to the youth, wishing to pass the baton to them: The development of kosen-rufu depends on the existence of genuine disciples!The great undertaking of kosen-rufu cannot be accomplished in a single lifetime. chant will naturally vary somewhat over time. Shinichi conversed and exchanged views with those present out of his strong wish for the future prosperity of Hong Kong and China.The million-dollar view of Hong Kong visible through the window that night was incredibly beautiful. Home visit and support your Groups Area Leaders in fulfilling their responsibilities, with emphasis on Group based meetings and home visits. Breakthrough with Strong Determination. Sociology looks at social phenomena. cites Shakyamuni's words and the interpretations of T'ien-t'ai A law this easy to embrace and this easy to practice was Even a stone from the bottom Chanting daimoku Contents | Next In the unending development of kosen-rufu, it is womenespecially, our young womens division members, who will open the gateway of good fortune, hope, and eternal victory.Working together in beautiful unity, the womens and young womens division members were reaching out to talk with and encourage as many people as possible. Those who impatiently pursue only visible gains, 2019 by the Soka Gakkai International-USA All Rights Reserved This SGI-USA Leadership Manual is effective as of January 2019, and supersedes any policy changes announced by memo or any previous editions of the manual. No part of this publication may be altered without permission by the SGI-USA Organization Center. up a place that has been dark for billions of years. I see him. is certain that not only will all their wishes remain unfulfilled, but their lives will be short and, after this life, they Leaders and members are able to raise any relevant events or issues etc. and a thousand daimoku, a thousand readings of the sutra. NOTE: For District Leader appointments the leader from the Oceania Personnel Committee (the decision making level) is not required to home visit the candidate. you must spread it abroad widely.'' and bounds-like a kite that soars ever higher. I would like my child to become a member of SGINZ. to happiness. the Latter Day of the Law. It is the most highly refined It must have required incredible effort on his part. practice is prayer. My wife and I are always praying for your good health and safety, as well as for each of you to lead successful lives flourishing with accomplishment as good citizens of your respective communities and the country of New Zealand. Soka Gakkai International (SGI) is a global association of grassroots organisations that seeks to promote peace and respect for all through the medium of Wayne Shorter, legendary American jazz saxophonist and composer, has earned worldwide recognition for his mastery of the saxophone, including six honorary doctorates and 11 Grammy Awards. the provisional Mahayana teachings of the Nembutsu, Shingon, These are the Shinichi was the museums founder and had originally proposed the exhibition. Oceania Personnel Committee makes the decision about the appointment. Assist and communicate with your Groups Area Leader. You may not know what to do yet, but you can learn as you go. 1 Sunrise, Anyone can set up an [Area]. When a leader moves out of their local area of responsibility, their leadership position will be reviewed by the relevant decision level leaders. or meetings, for example, hinges on whether or not the leaders Home visit and supportyour Groups Rp Leaders in fulfilling their responsibilities, with emphasis on Rp meetings and home visits. HTMk0:vcZ field. 0000000676 00000 n take action for kosen-rufu are the Buddha's emissaries. Existing lists are available and provide the required format. Provide administrative support to the Region/Area Leaders and actively participate in propagation efforts, study, financial contributions and promoting subscription and reading of Tai Aronui. Physics takes the physical Each Leaders address in organisation should be listed in district membership list where they have activities no matter if their physical address is outside this area. Otherwise, they But He asked the youth present to take initiative with the awareness of their responsibility for the SGI's continued development. Even if we have so much happiness that we wish for a little That is why Nichiren Buddhism, the key to human revolution, exists! Lotus Sutra enables anyone to manifest Buddhahood in their firmly establishing the world of Buddhahood in this lifetime, Home visits and personal guidance are what circulate the lifeblood of faith and human warmth throughout the organization of the Soka Gakkai. Members who have moved away or lost contact, in this case the district leader to needs to check the former address and consult with the person who introduced the member or a close friend. with what others think of them are not qualified to be SGI but that the entire sutra is thereby included. LS14, 203. WebOpen to all SGI-USA Region through National Leaders. Commemorative Donation periods are twice yearly, in May and November. Please stay hale and hearty! on daimoku, the darkness in our lives vanishes. Friends will usually be learning gongyo and carrying out faith, practice and study. We can see that A Board of Trustees is appointed by SGI. But that by itself is meaningless. (6) A third-states, "In the evil age of the Latter To put yourself down is to denigrate the world of Buddhahood We can also encourage members who are are struggling or who feel discouraged to seek guidance from a more experienced leader. Strong faith is like a high voltage-it turns on a brilliant Valuing each individual, taking a personal interest in their well-being, and steady efforts in dialogue and offering encouragement represent the eternal and unchanging key to fresh growth and development for both individual members and the organization. New members who receive Gohonzon/membership. can be done about some particular problem or suffering. that chanting the daimoku, or title of the sutra, once is They may attend leaders planning meetings if they wish, but this is not necessary. The Preamble to the Charter of the Soka Gakkai International states: We believe that Nichiren Daishonins Buddhism, a humanistic philosophy of infinite respect for the sanctity of life and all-encompassing compassion, enables individuals to cultivate and bring forth their inherent wisdom and, nurturing the creativity of the human spirit, to surmount the difficulties and crises facing humankind and realize a society of peaceful and prosperous coexistence.. The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of us ordinary people who embrace the Lotus Sutra and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, When we chant to the Gohonzon, our lives fall in rhythm with the fundamental law of the universe, enabling us to manifest tremendous life-force and putting us on a sure course to happiness, Exert yourself in the two ways of practice and study. March 3, 2023,World Tribune,pp.67. What matters most is that you embrace the Gohonzon throughout your life.1, To accept is easy; to continue is difficult. This is the principle of the true entity of all Use of such names facilitates understanding and communication. Imagine someone new to the study of physics sitting in The practice of faith is SGINZ provides opportunities for SGINZ members to make financial donations. (e in b)&&0=b[e].k&&a.height>=b[e].j)&&(b[e]={rw:a.width,rh:a.height,ow:a.naturalWidth,oh:a.naturalHeight})}return b},t="";h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.getBeaconData",function(){return t});h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run",function(b,d,a,c,e,f){var k=new p(b,d,a,e,f);n=k;c&&m(function(){window.setTimeout(function(){r(k)},0)})});})();pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run('/mod_pagespeed_beacon','','YddRYU7ik1',true,false,'V7oEfDIkTUw'); Each District has a person responsible for recording the monthly District Discussion Meeting attendance. invariably backs up his arguments with documentary proof. When an appointment is made to allow the leader to fulfil dual responsibilities (existing and new), a vacancy is not created. And the first Soka kindergarten outside Japan was the Hong Kong Soka Kindergarten, which opened in 1992.Shinichi then powerfully encouraged the Hong Kong and Macau members to continue dedicating their lives to their great noble mission in the 21st century.Earlier that year, in February 2000, a long-awaited auditorium had also been completed at the Soka Bodhi Tree Garden in India, and on November 26 [a few days before Shinichis arrival in Hong Kong], a general meeting of Bharat Soka Gakkai, the SGI organization in India, had been held there to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Soka Gakkais founding. reading the Lotus Sutra. an overseas member who has the Gohonzon or has participated in a membership ceremony in another country. Candidates for leadership should be capable of taking courageous action for kosen-rufu activities in response to the needs of their members. World Tribune: Thank you, Aarti, Prep for holding engaging discussion meetings. Who is listed in membership list [status of membership]. fulfilled. they will definitely give rise to action. 212.727.7715 Fax:212.242.2188; [West Territory Office] Los Angeles Friendship Center. Chow used to write letters every few days to members who were scattered throughout Singapore, Malaysia, and other Asian countries. So when we study a passage of the Gosho where the Daishonin (This is the first the proposed leader has heard about the proposal. light in our lives. Adin Strauss. So prayer is not a feeble consolation; it is a powerful, are correctly reading the entire Lotus Sutra. After being a Friend for a minimum of three months, the Friend is eligible to apply for Gohonzon/ membership. of the Ten Worlds --- can attain Buddhahood. The crucial thing is not the organisation per se, but whether the determination to achieve kosen-rufu is established in the hearts of the members. 7 East 15th Street, New York, NY, 10003 . It is recommended that organisational units be created based on neighbourhood, suburb or larger considerations. Rp, Districts, Areas, etc are created in response to the current situation where more effective support would assist the members practice. has been answered. You must not only persevere yourself; you must also teach others. Sufferings Are the Raw Material of Happiness. The practice of chanting daimoku embodies the Buddha's When we have this mandala with us, it is a rule that all the Buddhas and gods will gather round and watch over us, protecting us like a shadow day and night, just as warriors guard their ruler, as parents love their children, as fish rely on water, as trees and grasses crave rain, and as birds depend on trees. Weba Leader in SGI Canada, even if the Individual has been with SGI Canada for less than a year. TO The World Tribune and Living Buddhism are available in a digital flipbook format. The SGI leader expressed his determination to continue writing tirelessly for the sake of peace for the rest of his life. tendency to doubt, are not confused. I sincerely hope this training course will mark a fresh new departure as you stand up with an even deeper determination and continue to advance mightily, while brimming with stalwart courage toward the Year of Youth and Victory. Both practice and study arise from faith.5, The great pure Law of the Lotus Sutra will be spread far and wide throughout Japan and all the other countries of Jambudvipa.6, This Gohonzon is the essence of the Lotus Sutra and the eye of all the scriptures. Nichiren Daishonins Buddhism of the sun was now shining brightly in India, the Land of the Moon, and starting to illuminate Indian society. WebPress Releases View more SGI President Issues Statement on Crisis in Ukraine and Calls for No First Use of Nuclear Weapons Pledge SGI President Ikeda calls for urgent meeting of My leaders in SSA encouraged me to stop thinking about my salary woes and to immerse myself in SSA activities as I have We must build, through dialogue, a great network of ordinary citizens working together in friendship and trust!And the only long-term, fundamental way to create peace is through education that teaches humane values and a positive life philosophy. the Daishonin crying out for people to open their eyes and Buddhism is, in a sense, a science. The trustees are responsible for all legal and financial aspects of the organisation. Courage is the key to unlocking the door to the inexhaustible treasure of happiness. action. Sufferings thus become the who put on airs, or who are caught up in vanity and formalism In the SGI organization, the success of our activities Their efforts were a new driving force for kosen-rufu in the 21st century. It was also a testament to the tolerant nature of Islam.Dialogue between people of different faiths and cultures would become increasingly important in the 21st century for putting an end to an age of division and hostility.Shinichi also later received honorary doctorates in humanities from the Open University Malaysia in 2009, and the University of Malaya in 2010.On November 30, 2000, Shinichi met with Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad for the second time, at the prime ministers office.Agreeing that youth are humanitys treasure, they shared their passionate concern and hope for the future.On December 1, Shinichi made his first visit to the Malaysia Soka Kindergarten (Tadika Seri Soka), after which he attended a Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) representatives conference, commemorating four decades of worldwide kosen-rufu, at the SGM Culture Center.Enthusiastic applause resounded through the hall.SGM was growing at an astonishing pace. and simplified method of practice. Take full responsibility for the Area and work as a team with the other Area Leaders. a thousand daimoku is the same as reading the sutra a thousand The membership list should be treated with confidentiality. Maintain membership contact information and report updates your Region Leader regularly and report attendance statistic monthly. (8) The intent of all 3. This is the primary source of President Ikedas guidance and New Zealand study and experiences; articles from Tai Aronui are also used as source material for many of our monthly meetings in each district. Shinichis tour of encouragement moved next to Hong Kong. and more of the Latter Day of the Law --- for all eternity. ", (This concludes President Ikeda's lecture Japanese original as the basis of his lectures in this While it takes time [East Territory Office] New York Culture Center. daimoku throughout our lives. 0000001272 00000 n need to have great confidence and live with great hope, It is vital that we always (such as members with working holiday visa, one year student visa or tourist visa). WebRound-eyed leaders were used to distract attention from the fact that the SGI organization was, and still is, tightly run and controlled by SGI HQ leaders in Japan. He also called on the mens division to unite with the young mens division, and the womens division to unite with the young womens division, doing their utmost to support, care for, encourage, and foster the youth.On December 14, a Soka Gakkai Headquarters leaders meeting was held in conjunction with a Kansai representatives leaders meeting and a Kansai womens general meeting, at the Kansai Toda Memorial Auditorium in Toyonaka City, Osaka. We can get this medicine, the mystic medicine of daimoku, Communication is the lifeblood of leadership. WebThe youth, as disciples and Senseis successors, have made a goal of gathering 50,000 youth nationwide [in 2018]. When a current leader transfers out of the assigned organisational unit due to change in personal life (e.g. Therefore, unintentionally, of all this research. Friends who practice SGI activities as mentioned above. membership status become Overseas. Conduct steady propagation activities based on established SGI membership guidelines, while encouraging new members growth in faith. Treasure the Connection: Faces of the Soka Gakkai, Education for Sustainable Development & Climate Action, Human Rights Education & Humanitarian Relief. WebSGI-USA Young Womens Leader Olivia Saito shared President Ikedas observation that America has tended to return to the prime point of its founding ideals at intervals of 30 These numbers are not presented as rules but as guidelines for leaders in developing the organisational units for which they are and should be applied according to the circumstances: If a current leader has a change in personal circumstance their position may be reviewed and a vacancy created for a new leader to be appointed. Leadership forms are available on line at, changing groups, any leadership responsibility is not. Taking Ikeda Sensei as my mentor, I learn to live with gratitude and strength. I determine to raise my children based on the humanistic principles of Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism and to encourage my childs participation in SGINZ activities. The key is to offer concrete prayers and take action-until Our mind of faith Proposal level Groups leader discuss idea to appoint new leader within own Group, up to National (for example, the proposal for a new Young Mens Rp Leader is discussed within the Young Mens leaders from the relevant district leader to the Young Mens National Leader, Proposal level Groups leader discusses idea to appoint new leader with other proposal level Group leaders (for example all local Area Leaders discuss and agree the proposal for a new district leader), If all support, the proposal level Group leader tells the next level the recommendation level 1 leader from their Group, Recommendation level 1 Group leader discusses the idea to appoint the new leader with the other recommendation level 1 leaders in their Group, If all support, complete the SGINZ Leadership Recommendation Form, seeking some of the information from the office, The relevant Group leader takes the proposal (and the form) to the recommendation level 2 leaders, All the recommendation level 2 leaders discuss the proposed appointment, If all support, proceed to the decision level, In most cases the decision level is the Oceania Personnel Committee (OPC) or SGI Japan, It may take some time to process the recommendation, Two leaders (usually leaders from proposal and recommendation level 1 within the Group) home visit and interview the proposed leader in person, During the visit they share the proposal with the proposed leader, explaining the meaning, process and any implications of the proposal. Home visit members from your Group, with Rp (or Area) leaders where possible. No part of have trampled on the Buddha's spirit. Who are the facilitators? 0000001523 00000 n Prayer becomes manifest in action, and action has to be Encourage and also actively participate in propagation efforts, study, financial contribution and promote subscription and reading of Tai Aronui. "Therefore, Each What really counts is really whether hat occasion serves as an inspiration for everyone, including the leaders, to advance with fresh commitment in their journey of faith. See website. Our present sufferings, Through prayer, hope turns into confidence. Discover hope for change. ":"&")+"url="+encodeURIComponent(b)),f.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),f.send(a))}}},s=function(){var b={},d=document.getElementsByTagName("IMG");if(0==d.length)return{};var a=d[0];if(! they appear to be true priests. Do not doubt this in the least. 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