The afternoon was led by Assistant Attorney General Scott Teter. In 2000, rookie officer Keith Batt and his training officer Clarence Mabanag rampaged through West Oaklands Black neighborhoods. The Biden campaign knew it, telling reporters Trump would have to top 62% of the in-person voting in order to overcome the advantage. This time it was defined by a Republican senators big mouth. He was sentenced to 180 days in jail and three years of probation. And it tells us about Trump, a combativeand polarizing politician who has continued to shock with his claims and surprise with the resilience he has shown in drawing support in places like Michigan. Barry and Marion King's 11-year-old son, Tim King, was the last victim of the Oakland County Child Killer. The decision to purge the files was legal, according to Tom Kinzinger, an attorney with Bryan Cave law firm who reviewed the Alameda County Superior Courts destruction of records for The Appeal. I was quite surprised when, almostimmediately I heard back from her Communications Director Kelly Rossman-McKinney asking if my team and I would be willing to meet with a long list of Nessel staff members in order to overview our findings. "It's back to more typical levels this year.". Circuit Civil/Criminal - 248-466-4260. But I will tell you this: I am going to publish. However, they never faced criminal charges. But not this time, evenwith Trump winning Macomb for a second time. When police searched Richholt and Neelys rental car, they found potential evidence of other crimes, including cash, zip-top plastic bags of cocaine, heroin, and marijuana, and firearms. But even as Trump added some365,000 voters to his totals in Michigan from four years ago in Tuesday's general election, his opponent, Democratic nominee Joe Biden, didfar better, running up surging vote totals in urban and suburban areas and narrowing Trump'sedge in key counties, including Macomb,Kent and Livingston. The many decades of deceit, public corruption, evidence contamination, and including the lack of following up on anything. Anuradha Mittal, Oakland Institute Executive Director and author of the Stealth Game report Abdinoor Dima Jillo, member of the Borana Council of Elders in Isiolo County, Kenya Isaiah Biwott, community member Tugen community, Baringo County, Kenya Violet Matiru, Executive Director, Millennium Community Development Initiatives, Kenya Host: Andy . Two leaders of an Oakland construction management firm pleaded guilty Thursday to felony charges in the far-reaching San Francisco City Hall corruption scandal centered . Former LAPD officer Rafael Perez was convicted in 2000 on state felony charges for stealing eight pounds of cocaine from an evidence locker. Her work has won or been nominated for four successive Chicago Press Club awards, been recognized by the National Association of Lesbian and Gay Journalists (NLGJA), and covered topics such as. | At that point, I was struggling to keep a grip on my own temper. Guys like John Chase and Alan May have been running roughshod for so long that theyve utterly lost their principles, he told me. And while Trump won Macomb, his margin, 53%-45%, was well below the 54%-42% Trump beat Clinton by there four years ago. Staff writer David DeBolt contributed to this report. When my stories resulted in positive changes, to even a single life, then my salary and the resulting can of Spaghettios was earned. Political parties have to realign their messaging," she said. Just what in the blue fuck was that supposed to mean? This year, 1,311 voters cast ballots, andit was Trump 49.4% to 49.1% for Biden. Theres a reason for why this story is on my personal blog and not a mainstream outlet. Nov. 2, 2000. As corruption charges continue to surface in Detroit, public information from the FBI, news sources and local court documents shows that there have been at least 15 public corruption cases involving Detroit councilmembers or Detroit staffers; this number does not include contractors or business figures who have been involved in these corruption cases. Almost immediately, they are forced from their homes and into long-term care facilities or unlicensed group facilities with subhuman living conditions. The Free Press: Thats what it says on the cereal box. Darwin BondGraham For instance, the 2020 election showed its share of vote-splitters. A high level review of elder care issues?. IRS delays tax deadline for Bay Area, but California hasn't followed: What should you do? High-Ranking Ventura County Gang Member Linked to Mexican Mafia Sentenced to . Just as he did in 2016, President Donald Trump this year mounted a late-breakingsurge in Michigan, using anaggressive campaign to bolster turnout, disproving myriad polls that showed his support lagging and drawing even greater backingfrom voters across wide swaths of the state than he did four years ago. Not all branches of Californias courts are as aggressive as Alameda County in destroying police corruption files. Since Moody was good friends with a select few of the public administrators he appointed, he alerted them to the complaining families who then suffered staggering retaliation in a probate court. But it was clear that Democratic voters, especially, heeded the call to vote absentee. Theiralleged victims number in the high thousands of Michigan's most vulnerable senior and developmentally disabled citizens, each declared legally incapacitated wards and placed under a court-appointed guardianship and conservatorship. Getting those voters to voice their support in public opinion polls isn't easy. That left about 1.5% for the third party candidates. The chief of staffs for Ayers and Benson are also included in this investigation but have not been charged. One of the firearms found in the car was a shotgun that Neely and Richholt allegedly seized from an East Oakland mans house earlier in the day in a warrantless search. The case led to a parallel civil rights lawsuit brought by 119 victims of police misconduct that ended in 2003 with the Oakland police being placed under a federal consent decree. On the night of March 21, a South Michigan guardianship reform activist forwarded an email she had received from a reporter at a local paper. Kirkpatricks lawsuit seeks an unspecified amount of monetary damages for loss of pay, benefits and loss of future earnings. Kirkpatrick publicly stated she would file suit in March, shortly after she was fired. By the morning of Friday March 22, I was getting nervous. The subjects of Nessels proclamation were alsocentral figures in my investigation alongside attorney Jon B. Munger (fired in 2017), Oakland County Probate Court Chief Judge Kathleen Ryan and her colleagues Linda Hallmark, Daniel A. OBrien and Jennifer Callaghan. Since the inception of the consent decree, the agency has cycled through 10 police chiefs, all of whom have failed to fulfill the reform programs mandates. Well let me say something to you, we do have the evidence.. In Wayne County (excluding Detroit), since 2016, there have been four public corruption charges. Metro-Detroit is not unfamiliar with public corruption. If you prefer to do so anonymously, you can call the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI or submit tips online at How come I didnt know? "It's a huge reason we got the vote that we did, when you're talking about the numbers of third party votes we had in '16," Dulio said. Driving Biden's success wasn't only the fact that he did better percentage-wise than Clinton did in 2016 across metro Detroit, however. Some voters are unwilling to admit they are voting for him. If you valued this article, please help us produce more journalism like this by making a contribution today. Third parties. The second trials of Mabanag and Siapno also ended in hung juries. Mabanag and officers Jude Siapno and Matthew Hornung were tried in the case twice. Required fields are marked *. After the city rejects a claim, a lawsuit can be filed. In 2016, more than 75,000 people in the state cast ballots but didn't vote for any presidential candidate. Gretchen Rachel Hammond is an award-winning freelance investigative journalist based out of Chicago. Richholt did not respond to a request for comment. Sgt. Monitor the livestream broadcast if youre worried about integrity of the process, but this isnt worth the back and forth with AGs office.. "But what happened was the Democrats got their voters out it wasn't enough to overcome what they were able to get out in voter-rich southeastern Michigan.". They are all sharp as tacks anyway. Throughout the trials, the Oakland Police Departments internal culture was examined in detail, as were political decisions by city leaders to undertake a zero tolerance crackdown on drug dealers, which community activistsand even the Oakland police unionblamed for stoking violence by street cops. The pair and other officers brutalized and planted drugs on suspects and filed false police reports resulting in wrongful convictions. ), I felt like Adlai Stevenson staring down Ambassador Zorin. On the morning of March 25, I paused to watch Nessels presser on Facebook. Since taking the bench in 2003, George had somehow survived numerous scandals and, like most Michigan probate court judges, knew on which side her bread was buttered. California law also includes a provision that allowed the Riders case files to be destroyed after just three years. Friend of the Court - 248-466-2728. The fact that many of those areas are Republican-leaning or backed the president, as much as anything, give the lie to Trump's wild and seemingly desperateclaims that it was corruption in Detroit that cost him the election, when there is no evidence to support it. Kirkpatrick was also recently criticized in her handling of the police fatal shooting of a homeless man, Joshua Pawlik, who was found armed and sleeping in 2018. With Detroit having turnout not seen in 20 years and turnout upsignificantly in both Oaklandand Wayne counties relative to 2016, Biden's margins in those counties he won in Oakland 56%-42%, compared with Clinton's 52%-34% and in Wayne 68%-31% to Clinton's 67%-29% more than made up the difference. In fact, the entire day went by with radio silence from both the Free Press and Rossman-McKinney. Please take a moment to explore these programs below. OAKLAND Former Oakland Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick filed a federal whistleblower lawsuit against the city on Wednesday, alleging she was fired in retaliation for exposing corruption and. In the 1960s, Oakland became the birthplace of the Black Panther movement after growing police harassment and brutality, and in 1968, anger at OPD boiled over when cops killed a 17-year-old member. Delphine Allen et al. I was both an idealist and a born leftist in every sense of the definition. True to form, it was a downright bizarre four hours during which our summary of findings was received with moments which ran the gamut between receptive and defensive. Behind the scenes of the Michigan Elder Abuse Task Force, Nessels firings of four Public Administrators on Friday, the Detroit not so Free Press, Listening Tours, Kojak, Strip Searches and corruption at the highest levels. The department remains under a federal judges authority and bound by a settlement agreement that details numerous reforms. Either way, guardianship is a life sentence which hardly anyone in this country knows or about which anyone has cared to educate themselves. During thirteen months in 1976 and 1977, four children were abducted, abused in captivity and then murdered, their bodies tossed by public roadsides. In February 2003, Neely and Richholt pleaded guilty to one count of agreeing to engage in prostitution and received one day in jail and three years of probation, a misdemeanor. So, it didnt pass anyones notice that, despite the simplicity of the job, the Attorney General couldnt even bring herself to say the word fired., Instead, after careful internal deliberation, she decided relieve these public administrators of their appointments.. Still, I kept the faith. His name was Dennis Burgio and he had a heartbreaking story to tell about how he had been cleaned out of his 401k by a friend and former insurance agent;the same numbers I was seeing stripped from Oakland County wards by their public administrators, guardians. Yet, for the months which followed, Nessel refused to say the words public administrator and investigation in the same sentence. Michael Buchanan, and Officer Brian Liddy. The Oakland Public Ethics Commission has broadened the scope of its investigations into allegations of corruption by building code enforcement officers. "That's not happening any more. Journalists are theoretically also supposed to deal in whole truths. You can't wait until the last week. Charges were filed by the Los Angeles District Attorney against Sgt. Teter looked me square in the face and asked me who they were. Oh them! Teter replied, growing visibly impatient. But the four kids were kidnapped Or one of the cases that had the DPOA that was ignored to see if we could file a motion to terminate. Nessel claimed that the Task Force was working in concert with the Supreme Court Justices. Lucido seemed equally surprised because, he said, there was supposed to be a press conference about it on March 25. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court of Northern California, alleges that the Oakland police commissioners routinely abused their power, and corruptly looked for special treatment by the police department. For instance, the vote inblue-collar Macomb County, north of Detroit,has predicted the statewide winner for governor or president in the last sevenelections and 17 of the last 20. Macks defense of Michigan probate judges and the guardianship system itself has been so unyielding that in more direct attorney circles, he has since become knownas Mack the Shield.. You strung me along for eight months. Sheriff Bouchard is excited to announce several new programs this year, and the expansion of existing programs. He fought back and ended up with a reprimand. A documentary crew with exclusive access follows the new leadership with the cold case team devoted to Morgan's case. Under Kirkpatrick, five previously achieved tasks were brought out of compliance. Hundreds did and the majority of the time, their stories focused on Michigans probate courts. And legal experts say that destroying records of police misconduct, even if authorized by state statute, may conflict with the constitutional rights of defendants. Throughout the day, I tried to call the AGs office and was repeatedly told that the entire communications team was In a meeting.. By Nate Gartrell | | Bay Area News Group. Tagged: Detroit Corruption, Detroit maps, Drawing Detroit, Macomb County Corruption, Michigan Corruption, Public Corruption, Your email address will not be published. Maybe this tells us '16 was an outlier.". - John F . The Truth About Marijuana and the Criminal Legal System, Florida Cops Nearly Sent a Five-Year-Old to Jail, When It Comes to Reporting Deaths of Incarcerated People, Most States Break the Law, M. Forrest Behne, Craig Waleed, Meghan Peterson, and Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, Gay And Trans Panic Is Still Being Used To Justify Anti-LGBTQ Attacks. The three officers, who patrolled West Oakland together on the graveyard shift in 2000, were accused of violating the civil rights of innocent suspects by illegally detaining them, planting drugs. Investigative and Forensic Services Division - Captain Joseph Quisenberry: 248-858-5087. Oakland County Sheriff's deputies are searching for a driver who hit a road sign and left the scene. Even after I received their 2018 Letter of Intent to publish my investigation into the Oakland County Probate Court, I was cautious. Itis those votes, which under state law clerks and elections officials couldn't begin counting until Election Day, that Trump has especially called corrupt, as Democratic state officials encouraged people to vote by mail as Trump does in order to avoid potentially crowded polling places and ward against the spread of the virus. Its really hard toconfer a whistleblowing case when no one knew the whistle had been blown, Jackson said. Michael Buchanan, and Officer Brian Liddy. The Oakland Field Office of IRS Criminal Investigation has dedicated resources to unraveling the truth behind the extensive web of corruption, which Mohammed Nuru presided over, during his tenure leading the San Francisco Department of Public Works," said IRS Criminal Investigation Special Agent in Charge Mark H. Pearson. This year, despite trailing in many independent public opinion polls such asthe Free Press' by around 7 points, he brought it closer to 2 by outgaining Biden in areas like St. Clair County, where he added more than 10,000 votes, and Monroe, where he added 9,400. For months, the president had been saying you can't trust absentee, mail-in ballots so his base was not using it. No other county in the region or the state has had as many corruption cases the as Wayne and Macomb counties. Feds file obstruction case against ex-W. Bloomfield schools official . However, when I saw that the list of attendees included State Public Administrator Michael Moody, I pushed back and alerted Rossman-McKinney that he was a focus of the investigation. In Oakland County, the state's second largest county, turnout was nearly 75%, higher than the 72% seen in 2008; in Detroit which is getting smaller and the rest of Wayne County, turnout . Apr 20, 2022, M. Forrest Behne, Craig Waleed, Meghan Peterson, and Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein So, prior to the meeting, my team and I reached a decision that if Moody was going to get involved, our best course of action was to provide the proof of our findings but protect the alleged victims and their families by: A) Redacting the names and case numbers from documents. To do so anonymously, you can call the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI or submit online!, rookie officer Keith Batt and his training officer Clarence Mabanag rampaged through West Oaklands Black neighborhoods of... Press and Rossman-McKinney administrator and investigation in the blue fuck was that supposed to mean winning... Pair and other officers brutalized and planted drugs on suspects and filed false police reports in. A driver who hit a road sign and left the scene long-term care facilities or unlicensed group facilities with living... ( excluding Detroit ), since 2016, there was supposed to be destroyed just! 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