In May, Gov. Holy Jim, on Tuesday, was quiet. There are good and bad people in any group, we are told. All we have at this point is hearsay. [3][4], Before the fire is lit, the Patriarch kneels inside the chapel in front of the stone, with crowds gathered outside. I have then also given a possible scientific explanation for Holy Fire based on its description. Utilized properly, it is also one of the few substances that can kill angels, with the exception of archangels. The interesting thing is that if it is a fraud, it goes back at least 1,625 years. may change and take many different [1] Christmas in Nazareth: how and where to celebrate. They propably have some scientist looking for a scientific reason right now. It is the small dry stuff which catches fire quickly to help build up a larger fire. Praise the Lord!" Psalm 150:6. From experience, even while the flame has the non burning qualities, if you go too close to the bottom, it burns. The light rises out of the (6) The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. Bulletin de la Socit d'Archologie Copte, 16, 1961-2. It could be a destructive force but also a helpful one. They tend to stress, for example, that the tomb is sealed after it has been inspected and found to be free of materials that could be used to light the flames. [5] Thousands of pilgrims as well as local Christians of all denominations gather in Jerusalem to partake and witness this annual event.[6][7]. Wait, lets add another: (3) Every year, X-number of people claim they have been healed and doctors report that, in some cases, there is no simple explanation for the changes in their symptoms and health. Subscribe for as little as $5/mo to start commenting on Rods blog. [2] Pilgrims and clergy say that the Holy Fire does not burn them. 8 things you have to do when celebrating Purim in Israel! In the past, skeptics have shown that you can make fire that appears to be spontaneous by using white phosphorous. Loving and Lusting in Tel Aviv: The 10 Commandments of dating in Tel Aviv! As per this ask science post a water-alcohol mixture will burn relatively cool. Every man is. covered by a moist cloud, but it is But, apparently, the Holy Fire doesn't burn, and you can often witness pilgrims waving their hands through the flames they carry. This investigation used to be carried out by Turkish soldiers. terms. Two examinations were submitted before his next court appearance on October 10, 2018. Is there a video of this priest, going in and praying? To make you aware of the things that are disconnecting you from God. William Clifford expands on this explanation in The Ethics of Belief. Terror Zones Planned burns are human-made events and as such need to follow all environmental compliance rules. From the core Go to one of the Old City shops, she said, and buy a sheaf of unsold candles. The Holy Fire Arrives in Athens From Jerusalem By Areti Kotseli on 14 April 2012 in News. Flickering Flame Diadem also counteracts the negative effect of Flame Rift. Shortly before the arrival of Patriarch Theophilos, the seal was removed from the door of the edicule, and a large lampada and thirty-three candles were carried into the tomb. [17] Similarly, many Christians have remained unconvinced by the occurrence. I went to the event skeptical. Yet fire also points beyond the utilitarianfrom the fires of hell to the Olympic torch to the fireside chat. The marble slab is now in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City of Jerusalem. This is a phenomenon in the Eastern Orthodox church. The holy grave was closed during this period by Daimbert. And, even if it does light, there's the added danger of it exploding from . [22] He was due back in court on August 17, 2018. Drive-in churches are First Amendment battlegrounds, Associated Press report about the annual Holy Fire rite, Hurrah! (For up to 1 minute, if you concentrate, and they fail their save.) Book Of James 2.26K subscribers Subscribe 23K views 7 months ago Every Easter the Miracle of the Holy. on this most blessed Saturday, Your A wildfire is categorized as an emergency, meaning firefighters pull down hazard pay and can drive a bulldozer into a protected wilderness area where regulations typically prohibit mountain bikes. Later, there is this: Sunbeams that pierce through a skylight in the church's dome are believed by worshippers to ignite a flame deep inside the crypt, a mysterious act considered a Holy Saturday miracle each year before Orthodox Easter Sunday. Because of that I already brushed off the entire claim myself but since he believed it I hoped to find some absolute evidence. Sign Up For Newsletters; e-Edition; Breaking News; Place an Ad. The article proposes some ways in which this "miracle" could be faked, and a serious investigation could confirm that this was or wasn't happening. Here is an older Greek collection (subtitled) of pilgrims testimonies with the Holy Fire. . This brings me to a recent Associated Press report about the annual Holy Fire rite at Jerusalems most important ancient Christian sanctuary. Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? 1. Perpetuated and hidden from those who attend the ceremony because such deception (though they would not call it such) allows people to "suspend their rational mind" and "experience a deeper connection to the ceremony". #, This little video will convince you the Holy Land is your next holiday destination, What you need to know about arriving in Israel (2022), 5 things you need to know before visiting Israel. Edit: Also, no, there are never any videos of the priest one he is inside the small vestibule or whatever. There are reports of the Holy Fire moving about the area before departing. [21], Thomas Tegg, a 19th-century Englishman, included an account of the event in The London Encyclopaedia, published in 1828, speculating that the event is purely natural and motivated by pecuniary interest.[22]. I too see no reason to believe in this (although I did not in the first place) and the arguments added by you do indeed make me too feel like it's a safe bet it's fraud, like every one of these religious miracles turn out to be. If we ever happen to touch upon this topic again, I'll tell him this. James 3:5-6 .Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.,, I've integrated the content from your second answer into the first for you. The Tel Aviv Zombie Walk: a must-do Purim institution! Kalopoulos also says that chemical reactions of this nature were well known in ancient times, quoting Strabo, who states: "In Babylon there are two kinds of naphtha springs, a white and a black. What, pray tell, are journalists supposed to do when people report miracles? Black and thick, it. (TNS) Driving toward Paradise on the afternoon of Nov. 8, Jonathan Pangburn was less worried about the flames burning through the forest than he was about the smoke. No other miracle is known to occur so regularly and so steadily over time. If you have ever heard of these ceremonies, then you've probably heard stories about floating lights, the spirits untying a man who has been bound from head to toe, and other fantastic tales. But what comes next, with are and the closely guarded secret language? [20] Edward Gibbon (17371794), wrote scathingly about the alleged phenomenon in the concluding volume of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: This pious fraud, first devised in the ninth century, was devoutly cherished by the Latin crusaders, and is annually repeated by the clergy of the Greek, Armenian, and Coptic sects, who impose on the credulous spectators for their own benefit and that of their tyrants. That is a logical and appropriate question. Clifford explicitly calls what faithers do "one long sin against mankind.". Eucalypts, such as those native to Australia, burn fast because their leaves. Retrieve the current price of a ERC20 token from uniswap v2 router using web3js. Before entering the Lord's Tomb, the patriarch or presiding . . of the very stone on which Jesus lay Ootd de @chiks_eslamoda" full of Your every divine grace B A B B A B B A B D5 (same as last part of the intro) Higher, higher, higher Chorus: A F#m Fire doesn't burn itself A F#m Fire doesn't burn itself A F#m Fire doesn't burn itself A F#m D D D D Fire doesn't burn itself F#m A E B x2 Verse 2: Same as verse 1, I can't figure out what he is saying Chorus: A F#m Fire doesn't burn itself A F#m Fire . Personally, Im a little skeptical, why would they be waving the flame,surely they could just hold it steady if it doesnt burn? Yes, you can run your hand through the flames of certain fires briefly, or even light your hand on fire for a longer period of time, but there is no fire that burns cool enough to keep your skin in the flame for any significant period of time without cooking yourself. These magical flames can't be extinguished through nonmagical means. Does a miracle of spontaneous "holy fire" occur in a Jerusalem church every year? Orange flames burn at approximately . Thessaloniki, University Studio Press, 1999, p. 164169. I'm not disagreeing that there are lots of ways to do this, I'm just providing one option that is quite plausible and also has the wow factor so that if it is ever seem by a layman they would think something divine is happening. What factors changed the Ukrainians' belief in the possibility of a full-scale invasion between Dec 2021 and Feb 2022? As usual, Wikipedia tells more. It is considered by many to be the longest-attested annual miracle in the Christian world, though the event has only been documented consecutively since 1106. Give the solution a magical-sounding name. The Holy Fire is first mentioned in the documents dating from the 4th century. To stress - this is a trick that a street magician can pull off. "Fire is the test of gold; adversity, of strong men." - Martha Graham 2. Alcohol doesn't burn particularly long or hot, so this version, while providing the safest conditions, won't be the most impressive. In Orthodox Christian belief, the Holy Fire (Greek: , "Holy Light") is a proposed miracle that occurs every year at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem on Great Saturday, the day before Orthodox Easter. rememberance of You, the exhilarating Then fire supposedly appears, and you supposedly can't burn yourself to this fire. In 1009, Fatimid caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah ordered the destruction of the Holy Sepulchre and its associated buildings, apparently outraged by what he regarded as the fraud practiced by the monks in the "miraculous" descent of the Holy Fire. phosphorescent (i.e., glows without Pope Gregory condemning a miracle performed by the Orthodox Church is common logic. be thou cool and (a means of)) safety for Abraham!" (Quran 2:170) Yahya Abdul Rahman - April 11, 2005. (That's how I noticed you had commented here.) There are many profound yet simple lessons in the Holy Quran which we should reflect upon in order to obtain guidance and understanding from Allah. "One can enjoy a wood fire worthily only when he warms his thoughts by it as well as his hands and feet." - Odell Shepherd 4. According to Kalopoulos' website: If phosphorus is dissolved in an appropriate organic solvent, self-ignition is delayed until the solvent has almost completely evaporated. OK, thats not so miraculous. [9], Despite these previous instances, the Holy Fire is believed to have been first recorded by the Christian pilgrim, Bernard the Wise (Bernardus Monachus), in 867. The ceremony begins at noon when thePatriarch of Jerusalemor another OrthodoxArchbishoprecites a specific prayer. Since water is non-magical, an Immolated target should burn quite nicely underwater. Most Holy Despota that You make this a Those doing the misleading justify it by telling themselves that they're somehow helping the participants achieve an altered and more "open" state of consciousness than they would otherwise be able to achieve without being mislead. Whatever you think or believe, youve got to admire the faith and belief. Ive talked to people who have attended and they say these flames are not hot and, for several minutes after the rite, they can put their hands into them without being burned. [13] Evacuation orders were issued for parts of Trabuco Canyon, including the entire community of Holy Jim. According to Kalopoulos' website: If phosphorus is dissolved in an appropriate organic solvent, self-ignition is delayed until the solvent has almost completely evaporated. First, here is the lede: JERUSALEM The Holy Fire ceremony symbolising Jesus' resurrection was lit in a deserted Jerusalem on Saturday, without the joyful throng of Orthodox Christian pilgrims who normally attend a spectacle that brings the Easter season to a colourful climax. A detailed description of the miracle is contained in the travelogue of the RussianigumenDaniel, who was present at the ceremony in 1106. Since the alleged miracle of the Holy Fire is a very complex issue, please allow me to leave a link to an extensive related article right here. It tends not to burn in the top three quarters, but like I said, after a few. It is much better to prove something wrong; it only takes one example. Rod Dreher is a senior editor atThe American Conservative. the earth we celebrate, and in Yet I can't prove it false without evidence. [Chorus] Holy Fire burn inside our hearts We need to feel Your touch We want to see Your power in us Holy Fire burn inside our hearts We need to feel Your touch We want to see Your power in us . D'oh! @Kostas, please edit it in. The fire will burn intensely for a few seconds, but there's no need to worry. Trees like pines, firs, or cypress have "soft" wood, which burns fast, leaves few coals, and makes a lot of smoke that can coat your chimney with soot (not a safe thing in the long run). With this in mind I would suggest a hoax. Grizes Zones, PART 1/2. congenial divine appearance to us. Russian skeptic Igor Dobrokhotov[25] has analysed the evidence for an alleged miracle at length on his website, including the ancient sources[26] and contemporary photos and videos. Convenient, eh? wait a few minutes, but normally the Each year, thousands of worshippers flock to Jerusalem's Old City and pack into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher built on the site where Christian tradition holds that Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected for the pre-Easter ceremony. epitrahilion (stole) and his belt. That's . Two weeks before the fire started, Clark reportedly sent a message to Mike Milligan, the volunteer fire chief of Holy Jim Volunteer Fire Department, reading "This place is going to burn. Decent, well-meaning parents kill their children this way because they're flying in the epistemological dark. Join us @aerdxb You are The" Hadn't seen Pope Gregory's claim either, thank you for that! Church. Any speculations I have made in the comments are no more or less valid than yours. When The Fire Doesn't Burn. Before entering the Lords Tomb, the patriarch or presiding archbishop is inspected by Israeli authorities to prove that he does not carry the technical means to light the fire. Sit in Jesus's presence for a while. By August 13, the Holy Fire had destroyed a total of 18 structures in both Orange and Riverside Counties. But there are lots of vids on youtube of the fire being passed from candle to candle in the crowded church each Easter (Orthodox Easter - different than Western Easter). Church leaders, of course, say that this fire (view this years rite much smaller rite, several hours ago, at this Facebook page) appears inside the tomb at the same time every year, as it has for centuries. Celebrating Christmas 2022 in Israel? shone in the underworld, we create remember You, the exhilarating and The Holy Fire continues burning across Orange and Riverside counties, two of the state's most populous, and as of Thursday night had scorched more than 10,236 acres. Nothing. Back to more scientific evidence I present the following link: var today = new Date(); document.write(today.getFullYear()); unless otherwise noted.All rights reserved. First there is a simple said to be structure, which is the safe type (2) form discussed above. offer it to those believing in You, However! Throughout human history, fire has served as the medium for the human quest to know, appease, and sanctify the divine through sacrificial ritual. These are indeed already some interesting theories on how this could be faked. Personally, I'm a little skeptical, why would they be waving the flame, surely they could just hold it steady if it doesn't burn? This is a statement of fact that for hundreds and hundreds of years there is a hoax of some kind that is guarded by Orthodox leaders. I felt nothing. Basing important life decisions on beliefs of dubious veracity opens one up to grievous moral error. He said: "The Greek priests bring in a lamp - one that has been kept burning for 1,500 years - to produce the Holy Fire. It only takes a minute to sign up. Factors include But, apparently, the Holy Fire doesnt burn, and you can often witness pilgrims waving their hands through the flames they carry. Two candles are lit from this fire, which are in turn used to light the candles of the many who gathered inside and outside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. A fire burns in the human soul, and man's soul often burns for the divine. said them, I wait. As with most religious claims, the better question is, "do you know of any evidence that proves this right?". [23] On August 17, when he appeared for the second time, which was the third attempt for his court hearing, Clarks erratic behavior caused a judge to stop the normal proceedings, ending with a suspension of the charges so Clarks mental health and competency can be examined. In our limited capacity to understand the full . The Christmas Market in Nazareth: an awesome slice of Christmas in Israel! As you age, your skin gradually loses elasticity and firmness, leading to sagging skin. To keep the Holy Spirit's flame burning in you every day, He requires the fuel of God's Word. No evidence ever proves anything right. hues. Holy Fire Download, Video and Lyrics | Theophilus Sunday. Is there a good explanation for this? Every morning the priest will burn wood on the fire. Best Fire Quotes 1. Summary: I don't want my Christian life to be like a sputtering candle, but like a roaring bonfire.It takes effort to keep burning with holy fire, but the results are well worth it. In 1238, Pope Gregory IX denounced the Holy Fire as a fraud and forbade Franciscans from participating in the ceremony. divinely executed on earth and under I moved my hand slowly, too. If so, lets hear it. Someone might want to ask that in the future. He referred to the event as "machinations of fraudulent priests" and to the "unholy" light of Jerusalem as "a profiteers' miracle". As you would expect, the wording is rather different in Orthodox reports. "The fire you kindle for your enemy often burns yourself more than them." - Chinese Proverb 3. It's only when the flames climb up from the fuel layer and ignite hanging leaves that the trees come closer to danger. Summer in Tel Aviv: the sexy and the not so sexy! Leviticus 6:12-13, CSB. The candles spontaneously ignited after approximately 20 minutes due to the self-ignition properties of white phosphorus when in contact with air. Top Eastern Orthodox clerics enter the Edicule, the small chamber marking the site of Jesus tomb, and exit with candles said to be miraculously lit with holy fire as a message to the faithful. Sometimes I may Critic that I am, though, here are some final thoughts. Thanks. So a friend of mine who's a nice guy but quite a strong believer in Christianity just told me about the holy fire phenomenom. Details of the flames source are a closely guarded secret. Both of us tried to pass our hands through the flame, but it was too painful to do except very quickly. In the account of her journey, she speaks of a ceremony by the Holy Sepulchre of Christ, where a light comes forth (ejicitur) from the small chapel enclosing the tomb, by which the entire church is filled with an infinite light (lumen infinitum). God's word is seen as a flame that doesn't burn, an instrument that the Holy Spirit uses to touch your consciousness. Growing Haredi numbers poised to alter global Judaism. In the course of the scuffle, the Greek Patriarch twice blew the Armenian's candle out, forcing him to reignite his "Holy Fire" using a cigarette lighter, while the Greek Patriarch was despoiled of one of his shoes. The Ceremony of the Holy Fire in the Middle Ages and to-day. [1]:86 According to Theofanis, the fraud of the "miracle" was invented by Catholic crusaders a few centuries ago, and was later continued by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate. Yes it is speculative because there are no studies on Holy Fire, however with the evidence available (which is anecdotal anyway) it is a plausible explanation backed by science (as would be 'The priest has a lighter hidden up his jacksie and made the rest up'). According to Wikipedia: TheHoly Fire(Greek , literally Holy Light) is amiraclethat occurs every year at theChurch of the Holy SepulchreinJerusalemonHoly Saturday, the day precedingPascha. light-bearing Tomb. Well, who did the lighting? Purim in Israel got your costume ready? He is to arrange the burnt offering on the fire and burn the fat portions from the fellowship offerings on it. It remains only 5%. Burning fire or chemical combustion is the chemical combination of oxygen with other elements, many of which combine with oxygen and release a good deal of energy in the process. The only request we can find is that the flame which the patriarch humbly and piously lights in rememberance of Jesus, may be filled up with His Holy Grace and bless the faithful. Meinardus, Otto. Page 242-253, Robert Ousterhout, "Rebuilding the Temple: Constantine Monomachus and the Holy Sepulchre" in, Last edited on 19 February 2023, at 03:06, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, "Description of the Miracle of Holy Fire that happens every year in Jerusalem", "The Miracle of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem", "Photos and videos of the Holy Fire miracle", "Christian pilgrims gather in Jerusalem for 'holy fire' ritual", "Holy Fire Rite Brings Thousands to Jerusalem - Jerusalem Articles",, "Holy Fire sets Orthodox rivalry ablaze in Jerusalem", " -" ; " [] | ", " Binteo", "Mystery of Jerusalem's Holy Fire comes to light", Reuters report on the Holy Fire on Youtube, "The Holy Light in Jerusalem: Testimonies and Evidence", "Orthodox Christians Celebrate Holy Fire Ritual",, This page was last edited on 19 February 2023, at 03:06. . from the everlasting light, which is constantly burning on this Share Improve this answer Follow edited Feb 10, 2020 at 23:48 answered Feb 10, 2020 at 5:21 Zimul8r 6,688 1 24 28 2 A place dedicated to insightful posts and thoughtful, balanced discussion about atheism specifically and related topics concerning irreligion and religion generally. consistency than normal fire that burns in an oil lamp. Make of this what you will. He enters inside, closes the door, and two large candles are miraculously lit as he is uttering prayers. (Strabon Geographica He further states that phosphorus was used by Chaldean magicians in the early fifth century BC, and by the ancient Greeks, in a way similar to its supposed use today by the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem.[24]. down of the fire as follows: I find my way through the darkness towards the inner chamber in which I He referred to the event as "machinations of fraudulent priests" and to the "unholy" light of Jerusalem as "a profiteers' miracle". Holy Fire in 2018. [9] Christian Orthodox tradition holds that this miracle, which predates the construction of the Holy Sepulchre in the 4th century, is related to the Miracle of the Holy Fire, though doctrine states differences between the two, as the former was a one-time occurrence while the Miracle of the Holy Fire occurs every year. [9] The blaze burned 23,136 acres (94km2)[1][4][5] and destroyed 18 buildings,[1] before it was fully contained on September 13, 2018. appearance of light, re-enacting "Light at the Holy Sepulchre, Great Miracle Given by God, Only to the Orthodox Church". It can be said with relative certainty that this is in fact a fraud. Here is one of the many videos you can see online demonstrating that: Before the ceremony, you buy from any one of the many vendors in the Old City a bound sheaf of thin beeswax candles always 33. Incredible claim requires incredible evidence, and a few undocumented unreliable experiences by people of faith is not that incredible evidence you'd need in order to even consider this a plausibility. Lyrics for Holy Fire By Theophilus Sunday Edit: Thanks to you all for the clever ideas! The nature of this phenomenon has, of course, been debated for years by skeptics. The Holy Fire ignites, apparently of its own accord, from the tomb of Jesus Christ at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. You might just need a bit of curiosity as your "tinder.". Now Pimlott says that Cal Fire intends to triple the amount of prescribed fire on lands the state controls. Here's the linked section Criticism from Wikipedia article Holy Fire : Many question the validity of the Holy Fire, suggesting, for instance, that cold-handed pilgrims generally withstand the fire for the same very brief periods of time as can be achieved with any fire. That priest is a magician, just like Jesus! The quality of the flame hadnt changed, but suddenly it was normal. underwater. his sticharion (white robe), Begging for acceptance only legitimizes the evildoers. My answer boils down to: "No there aren't any scientific studies on actual 'Holy Fire'. Abraham Hostel Eilat: the best & funkiest hostel in Eilat! (Strabon Geographica He further states that phosphorus was used by Chaldean magic (Truncated at 3500 characters). It didn't have anything to do with what happens; it had to do with schism and possible excommunication for participating. Should I edit a new answer or post a comment here instead? the fire without. While the Holy Fire in the vast majority of cases does not burn people, the hot wax dripping from the candles (especially when the traditional bunch of 33 candles or more are burning together) is reported to be uncomfortably hot - just as with candles burning with a normal fire. The priest is supposed to be searched before going into the chamber to ensure he has no means of creating fire though. And here is what the greek text really says: So with happy heart and spiritual joy, Nor with the Orthodox Christian Church, or it's relationship with Vatican. Non-Local Wood However the act of spontanious conbustion is known to exist and we can replicate the effects of Holy Fire quite easily using Phosphorus. Creosote is nothing more than a condensation of small, unburned particles contained in the smoke that coats the chimney surface as it exits. I was not able to find any recorded evidence of this phenomenon. In fact, I used to sing the traditional Lakota songs for these ceremonies in the Lakota language, so I was on the inside as far as conducting them and got to see up close what goes into them. @Lennart The pope is only infallible when he speaks ex cathedra, not always. Plug-In: Around 100 Million Super Bowl viewers saw new commercials -- about Jesus? Certain Orthodox eye-witnesses who affirm that the Holy Fire scorches and burns like an ordinary flame. Run the holiest marathon in the world the Jerusalem Marathon! Also, we are talking about a solid rock structure, the remains of a tomb. Two groups of people who on the face of it would appear to have no real reason to perpetuate the myth. Fire. For example, here are two statements to compare: (1) Every year, X-number of people are miraculously healed. verb be on fire; set on fire verb cause or feel stinging pain verb be excited about; yearn for verb cheat synonyms for burn Compare Synonyms blaze char heat ignite incinerate light melt scorch smolder torch bake brand broil calcine cauterize combust conflagrate cook cremate enkindle flame flare flash flicker glow kindle parch rekindle roast scald Leviticus 6: 12-13 here the scriptures explains that the fire must be kept burning, it is not to go out. Answer (1 of 22): Having experienced an actual weeping icon that would stump the scientifically minded ones since the myrrh coming from the icon would start up spontaneously and would overflow from a glass case defying gravity by exuding out and over the top of the case, I have no problem believi. I should point out that these beeswax candles, like all the ones for sale in Jerusalem, arent treated with anything. OK, what if its raining outside and the sun isnt out? Then the Patriarch entered and began to wait. Holy Oil is a very rare substance that can be found in Jerusalem. In 2005, in a live demonstration on Greek television,[23] Michael Kalopoulos, author and historian of religion, dipped three candles in white phosphorus. people who stand outside the tomb and divinely executed on earth and under Press J to jump to the feed. Because there has never been a credibly confirmed miracle in the history of mankind, I think it's a safe bet that this "miracle" is a fraud. Assessments of the Holy Fire burned area revealed numerous hazards, including the high potential for debris flow, flooding, mud flows, erosion, and rock fall, all of which could . 'Ve integrated the content from your second answer into the chamber to ensure he has no of. 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