The readings are all very interesting. i enjoyed learning the foundations of philosophy first, and then exploring the relevant applications it has in the digital age. ", Unit coordinator: Jess Kerr (previously Dr Jade Lindley), Student comments: Jade is full of invaluable information and experience in many areas of the content, but especially criminal law. ", Student comments: Sarah is a really helpful lecturer, and is really open about discussing the content in the unit. The content was super interesting! ", Student Comments: "It was very easy to learn the language with Marinella", Unit coordinator: Dr Laura Dales (previously Dr Reto Hofmann), Student Comments: "Reto would always start tutorials off with relevant cultural tidbits before launching into a lesson of grammar and conversation practice. This short-term fellowship aims to support visits by leading high-profile scholars who will enhance research collaborations and research outcomes at the University of Western Australia (UWA). It helped teach me to think both critically and abstractly. ", "This unit is brilliant for anyone who loves language. super interesting 10/10.". ", Unit coordinator: Mr Tom Wilson (previously Dr Marcus Dabner) and Dr Kellie Bennett. Prerequisites: Successful completion of one Unit(s) ANHB1101 Human Biology I: Becoming Human or Unit(s) ANHB1102 Human Biology II: Being Human or Unit(s) BIOL1130 Frontiers in Biology or Unit(s) BIOL1131 Plant and Animal Biology or Unit(s) SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell or Unit(s) IMED1108 Issues in Women's Health Across the Lifespan. Undergraduate bachelors courses explained, Language unit requirements for Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) students, Level 1 units you can study on exchange to UWA, Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) Advising Student Office, Selecting any four units outside your degree-specific major. This means if you did not complete the required subject at ATAR level (or equivalent), you can take additional bridging units, as part of your major, to meet this requirement. Awareness of music is necessary. All levels of musical experience are catered for through 'ensembles for experienced musicians' and 'ensembles for all'. Michael brings such passion to his discussion. If you go to him with questions after class or other times hell always help you.". ", "This is the best elective unit out! He encourages curiosity. Prerequisites: completion of any POLS or PHIL unit or 24 points in the Bachelor of Arts. I highly recommend any unit coordinated by Jo. Tough unit, IMO not the most interesting side of comp sci, and it's easy to get caught out on little. This unit has by far been the best that I have done. ""Super easy HD with a little of bit of maths. Interesting content and relevant for daily life. ", "A great new unit with really interesting content. A lot of the grammar rules and even words are the samecompared to other languages Ive studied, this was by far the easiest to become comfortable enough to speak and write in, and reading is a piece of cake once youve learned the vocab. Anyway, psyc1101/1102, phar1101, scom1101 (no exam), sseh1104 and there's a few more. ENGL1501 - creative writing. But needs a certain German level to do this unit. LLB Bachelor of Laws option units for students at the Law School LLB Units. Visit the UWA Handbook for. I would recommend this to every single scholar of economics, history or anyone looking for a broadening unit that doesnt require a complex understanding of math or economic theory. Units have been categorised based on which degree-specific major discipline they belong to. Units like phar1101 might not be extremely low workload but you can score very high (got 95 in it). My favourite unit this semester, almost wish I could have this lecturer again! ", Unit coordinator: Inga Kristoffersen (Semester 1); Alison Preston (Semester 2), Student comments: "Really interesting learning about the basics of microeconomics which is applicable to everyone. ", Prerequisites: Enrolment in 71520 Master of Biomedical Science or 71540 Master of Health Science, Student comments: "Most interesting unit I've ever taken. I've never met a unit co who is more passionate and informed about the subject who doesn't also act as if they can never learn any more from the students in their class. Prerequisites: GEOG1103 Coastal Cities: Geographical Perspectives OR GEOG1104 Disasters! Prerequisites: ECON1101 Microeconomics: Prices and Markets or ECON1000 Economics for Business or BUSN1103 Foundations of Global Business. In general very easy to grasp content. !, Unit coordinator: Dr Julian Bolleter (previously Dr Rob Cameron), Student comments: This unit was very well taught when I did it. I also had a great tutor for this unit! Labs are easy 90+. Broadening units are units of study outside your degree-specific major sequence (excluding also Foundational Units and Bridging Units). ", Student comments: "Helped me a lot as a first year student. ", Unit coordinator: Dr Alice Devillers (Semester 1) and Professor Lyle Noakes (Semester 2), Unit coordinator: Dr Miccal Matthews (previously Associate Professor John Bamberg), Student comments: "This unit is incredibly interesting whilst being fun at the same time. LING1002 - LANGUAGE AS A COGNITIVE SYSTEM, TRNS5001 - HISTORIES AND THEORIES OF TRANSLATION STUDIES, ANTH2701 - CULTURE, ECOLOGIES, EXTINCTION: ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY IN A TIME OF CRISIS, PHIL1001 - ETHICS FOR THE DIGITAL AGE: AN INTRODUCTION TO MORAL PHILOSOPHY, PHIL1002 INTRODUCTION TO CRITICAL THINKING, PHIL3008 - WHAT TO DO? All the second language units are really easy. The unit coordinator made the lecture very engaging and easy to follow. History students, as well as Law or Criminology students would especially benefit from taking this unit. The exam is quite fair - it assesses nothing but the basics you learned in class. It definitely helped confirm that I do want to complete the JD in postgrad. ", Student comments: "I would say it is very fun to do the unit but beware that it can be annoying when you cant get high marks because of the subject nature of the discipline.". STAT1520 - Economic and Business Statistics This unit covers basic statistics and is compulsory for all Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Commerce students. ", Unit coordinator: Dr Alyssa Van Dreumel and Dr Peter Arthur, Prerequisites: Enrolment in Major(s) MJD-BCNDM Biochemistry of Nutrition or Major(s) MJD-MLSDM Molecular Life Sciences or Major(s) MJD-BCHMB Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Successful completion of two Unit(s) SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell and Unit(s) BIOC1001 Introductory Cellular Biochemistry or Unit(s) CHEM1002 ChemistryStructure and Reactivity, Co-requisites: Successful completion of Or Enrolment in One Unit(s) SCIE1106 Molecular Biology of the Cell, Student comments: "Alyssa really had a great understanding of the resources she uses and is a great unit co in all aspects. EN English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk Unknown Student comments: Crucial content in a world where we all need to understand what is required to move to clean energy and how the transition is happening. ", Unit coordinator: Dr Caitlin Wyrwoll and Dr Jeremy Smith. )", "Such interesting content, you actually learn relatable and useful law! ", "If you speak English already, German is the perfect language to pick up. The assessment is only an essay on the first part of the unit and two essays in the exam on the other parts. This is probably the best and most cruisy unit Ive ever taken at UWA!". Student comments: "The unit itself is quite up to date in what is considering a very fast moving digital industry. Title: Level: Faculty ResponsibleOrgEntity: Shared units F31594 MATH0700; Preparatory Mathematics 0; Engineering, Computing and Mathematics ECM Bridging unit in BSc. ", Student comments: "Great lecturer and great introduction to criminology. Broadening units are designed to ensure graduates have a well-rounded education across a broad range of areas to meet the needs of employers and professional organisations within a global workforce. Also this unit has no tutorials and has tests and exams only. All the ideas a presented through the lens of human achievement and endeavour. Guide has been developed by the Guild's Education Council as your one-stop shop for the most interesting and engaging broadening units and electives at UWA! Should be universally taken., "I would almost go so far as to say that all students should be required to take this unit. ", "Class party! Prerequisites: For Law and Society major students: LAWS1111 Law, Conflict and Change or LAWS1112 Adulting: Law for Everyday Lives and LAWS2227 Law in Action.All other students: completion of 48 points of study. standard handbook mechanical engineers is easy to use in our digital library an online access to it is . This units so interesting as it provides you information of real life laws that affect you. 2,259 UWA subject ratings; . ", "Incredibly rewarding and engaging content. ", Student comments: Amazing unit! All the second language units are really easy. Submit it here! The essay was great and really easy to put together a good answer! #5018 #Education What is an easy second semester broadening unit for bachelor of science? "Very easy unit with useful content relevant to other fields. I especially loved the culture lectures and learning about Spanish culture, it made me desperate to travel to Spain! Therefore, you will have much more time to study this unit. The content is interesting, useful and engaging even you don't know anything about commerce. Student comments: "Incredibly rewarding and engaging content. ", Student comments: This is probably the best organised unit I have done. The lectures are very easy to follow and you can tell every time that the lecturers are passionate, which makes the lectures so much fun to attend. Couldnt recommend this unit more highly. IN SAYING THAT, I STUDIED ACCOUNTING IN 11 & 12. . The small class size and obvious care put in by the unit co made it such a phenomenal unit and the perfect area to have some really interesting discussions and learn a hell of a lot. Student comments: Loved Jo! All students studying a bachelor's degree at UWA are required to broaden their studies by completing a minimum of four units (24 points) outside their degree-specific major. Prof. David Bourchier (Hong Kong) and Dr Reto Hofmann, Prerequisites: any Level 2 ASIA unit, Level 2 ANTH unit or Level 2 POLS unit, Student comments: "The unit coordinator is so engaged, enthusiastic, and knowledgeable about Asian politics and made the content accessible and really interesting. thinking, and ideas. ", Unit coordinator: Prof. Megan Ryan, Prof. Phil Vercoe. ", Prerequisites: Successful completion of two Unit(s) CHEM1001 ChemistryProperties and Energetics and Unit(s) CHEM1002 ChemistryStructure and Reactivity, Corequisites: Successful completion of two Unit(s) CHEM1001 ChemistryProperties and Energetics and Unit(s) CHEM1002 ChemistryStructure and Reactivity, Corequisites: Successful completion of or Enrolment in Unit(s) CHEM2001 Core Chemical Concepts and Techniques, Prerequisites: Successful completion of ATAR Subject(s) Human Biology or equivalent or ATAR Subject(s) Biology or equivalent or Unit(s) ANHB1101 Human Biology I: Becoming Human or Unit(s) ANHB1102 Human Biology II: Being Human or Unit(s) BIOL1130 Frontiers in Biology or Unit(s) IMED1001 Form and Function and Successful completion of ATAR Subject(s) Chemistry or equivalent or Unit(s) CHEM1003 Introductory Chemistry, Student comments: "Incredibly easy exam, and very manageable HD. Both men and women would benefit from doing this unit. I found Sarahs feedback helpful on my assignments - shell give it if you ask her for it. A third of the time is solving secret messages and another third teaches how to win at games. ", "Best unit I did all semester!!!!!! ", (PHYS1001 Physics for Scientists and Engineers or PHYS1100 Classical and Frontier Physics) and PHYS1002 Modern Physics and MATH1011 Multivariable Calculus, (PHYS1001 Physics for Scientists and Engineers or PHYS1100 Classical and Frontier Physics) and PHYS1002 Modern Physics and (MATH1011 Multivariable Calculus or MATH1012 Mathematical Theory and Methods), Successful completion of one Unit(s) ENVT2220 The Climate System, URBD1000 Urban Design or GEOG2205 Geographies of Economic Development or GEOG2206 Social Geography and Planning, "Alyssa really had a great understanding of the resources she uses and is a great unit co in all aspects. There's online tests and lecture-based revision quizzes which would well prepare you for the exam (ALL MCQs!) I wish I could take it again., "Medicine is part of our everyday life and interesting to learn how it affects us individually and also where is derived from. ", Prerequisites: None (Note: quota of 25 students), Student comments: "It really stood out to me in terms of the engaging materials. what happened to archie in monarch of the glen; funeral poem our father kept a garden. ", Unit coordinator: Fiona O'Shea and Dr Vanessa Hayes, Student comments: "60% of this unit is the final exam while the remaining 40% consists of tutorial participation and the online quizzes which have multiple attempts. This unit could be a lot of fun for someone who enjoys maths, but was an extremely engaging unit for me (who doesnt like maths) too! The rule of thumb was never do introductory language courses as they take up a lot of time and effort. It is easy to see why he is an expert on the history of economics. Despite not studying philosophy any further, the skills I learned from this class have been invaluable to me, both at uni and in my every day life. Even if youre not interested in law, Kate & Aidan somehow make you fall in love with every day law (that we will need to know eventually! Getting to learn about other students and how the readings relate to their lives is interesting as well. ", Unit coordinator: Assoc Prof Keith Stubbs & Dr Dino Spagnoli (Semester 1) Assoc Prof Matthew Piggott & Dr Dino Spagnoli (Semester 2). the last four weeks in particular covered very interesting content. This is the best unit I have done at this university. Hes humorous and explains difficult moral theories in a simple manner that everyone can understand. Another 6 weeks later or whatever the end of sem exam came around, the only new concept was a bank reconciliation statement, which is a format that needs to be remember, absolutely no thinking required finished with an 80-something overall grade. ", Prerequisites: MGMT2341 International Management, Student comments: Fascinating content taught by one of the best lecturers in UWA's business school - the legendary Chris Chalon. ", Prerequisites: PUBH2204 Disease Prevention and Control, Student comments: "Really interesting content delivered in a really engaging way. ", Unit coordinator: Dr Katja Lee (Previously Dr Katarina Damjanov), Student comments: Tauel is amazing, most engaging lecturer Ive ever had in my three years at uni., Unit coordinator: Assoc. contact us. Considering and debating issues around euthanasia, disability and abortion, were fantastic opportunities to explore real world issues and gain a thorough and respecting understanding of sensitive topics in society. ", Unit coordinator: Frank Liu and Daniel Cahill (Semester 1); Mosharraf Hossain (Semester 2), Student comments: Very useful for every day life and the maths required is basic., "This unit requires an elementary understanding of maths but overall it is an easy unit and great for general knowledge. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. ", Unit coordinator: Dr Lachlan Umbers (previously Dr Remco Hesseen), Unit coordinator: Assoc. Doing Family History, Promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing: Translating Theory into Practice, Advanced Bioinformatics and Data Analysis for Genomics, Analytical Techniques for the Geosciences, Applied Econometrics and Research Methods, Bioinformatics and Data Analysis for Genomics, Classroom Management and Student Wellbeing, Conservation, Development and Sustainability, Fieldwork in Environmental Geography and Planning, Global Inequalities and Population Change: Transformation and Crisis, Honours Research Project in Geology Part 1, Honours Research Project in Geology Part 2, Indigenous Ways of Knowing 2 (Intermediate), Intimate Strangers: Journeys in Indigenous Australian History, Oral Pathology Clinical Practice I Part 1, Oral Pathology Clinical Practice I Part 2, Oral Pathology Clinical Practice II Part 1, Oral Pathology Clinical Practice II Part 2, Oral Pathology Clinical Practice III Part 1, Oral Pathology Clinical Practice III Part 2, Psychology-based Approaches in Managing Work Health and Safety, Renaissance, Reformation, Revolt: Europe 14501650, Special unit: Challenges Facing the World - UWA Science Competition, Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) Course structure. "All topics are super relevant, and Chantal facilitates great discussions each week. Michael brings such passion to his discussion. ", Prerequisites: KORE1401 Korean or KORE1101 Korean 1 or equivalent, Student comments: "Dr Fraschini actually wants you to learn Korean. Even now in third year I look back to his explanations when I cant understand a concept. 3 months ago. I'm doing the biomedical science course and want something different but easy enough to help me raise / maintain my GPA. ", Unit coordinator: Assoc. The tutorials are also very engaging, and its very easy for beginners to art history to understand. Physiology - How Does the Human Body Work? Aidan knows how to break things down Barney style. Very clear and engaging structure with the best unit coordinators on the planet! ", Student comments: Although a little difficult, it is very engaging and very fun.. ", "Anna's personality and passion for the subject made me recommend this unit. ", Unit coordinator: Associate Professor Joseph Tomkins and Professor Jonathan Evans, Student comments: "Guest lecturers specialised in specific lecture topics provides students the opportunity to ask about the content in further detail. "Although it was quite difficult, the content was engaging and beneficial to understand, Joe is super responsive and makes sure everyone engages in tutes. No lectures, just three highly interactive hours a week with really friendly and highly-skilled teachers. #5018 #Education What is an easy second semester broadening unit for bachelor of science? Professor Tanya Dalziell, Student comments: This unit allows one to explore their love of film (both classic and modern), whilst honing their literary skills. Or you can holiday in a German speaking country!, Kati was a wonderful lecturer when I did this unit, it pushed me to do GRMN1402 with Dale, which I thoroughly enjoyed as well., Very good if you want to lead to a short exchange in Germany for 6 weeks!, "A lot of love and effort went into organising this unit. Especially interesting if you ever plan on going overseas. Student comments: "Content is interesting, UC is very organised and explains lectures well. Prerequisites: enrolment in the Master of Professional Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering specialisation, Mechanical Engineering specialisation or Software Engineering specialisation). ", Prerequisites: any level 1 unit in the Bachelor of Arts, or equivalent, Student comments: "This unit is an excellent blend of moral theory and real world issues. complete at least one unit from Group B*. Fun, not too difficult, and the new unit coordinator is absolutely fantastic. Depending on your course, units may fill the requirements for broadening units or electives. Really interesting topics, great lecturers and very satisfying to submit your artefact at the end of semester. ", "It definitely works your brain, but its one of the most interesting units Ive ever done! By learning and being able to apply digital marketing frameworks with a business in the real world, it made for a very fun and enjoyable experience! It . Unit co-ordinators and lecturers were very helpful. ", "Kate made the unit, she was amazing and very funny. All units featured in the guide were submitted by students who have taken the unit. If you are studying a Combined Bachelor's and Master's degree (CBM), you can meet this requirement simply by completing the postgraduate units that form an integral part of your course. "This unit is an excellent blend of moral theory and real world issues. The assignments are great and give you lots of choice.. ", Unit coordinator: Dr Simon Chang (previously Dr Tushar Bharati), Student comments: You don't need to have done economics before doing the unit, you will learn a lot, straightforward assessments. The unit is fascinating, explaining the advent of modern courts and policing, it gets into serious questions about the nature of crime, and how it is defined. Category B units The School offers a number of Category B broadening units, some of which are specially designed to give students the opportunity to play in music ensembles. ", Prerequisites: any 48 Points or 6 Points GEND units, Student comments: "Assignments are mostly up to your own interpretation and the manner in which you engage with the content is almost entirely up to you. A really interesting unit, delivered by a true professional who is an expert in the subject matter. agree, was a really interesting unit. ", "Marty is the best UC. The assessments are fair and reflective of ongoing engagement, not how much you can cram into a 2 hour period to gain 60% of your mark. Student comments: This unit was based around a 3 day fieldwork trip in Perth, it was very engaging and the activities were great! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Student comments: "A prime example of a difficult topic that was taught very very well. course details uwa handbook 2020 the university of. Great unit!, Student comments: "I dont know how I would function as an adult without this unit. ", Student comments: "Learning another language is made very easy and enjoyable by Anna! Lectures are super interesting PLUS they give you an overview of what the exam questions will roughly be from the beginning of the unit. ", Student comments: Very good unit that develops critical thinking, research capability, and development of reasoned arguments. Want to recommend a unit for the guide? A unit for anyone to enjoy, regardless of major. The small class size and obvious care put in by the unit co made it such a phenomenal unit and the perfect area to have some really interesting discussions and learn a hell of a lot. Unit coordinator: Fiona O'Shea and Vanessa Hayes, Student comments: "Great unit for students taking IMED1001&1002. ", "Jo is such an engaging facilitator and her passion for the subject just makes the unit 100% more interesting and engaging. There are lots of difficult units that students at University of Western Australia have to take. ", Unit coordinator: Dr Lu Jin (previosly Professor Roberto Togneri). ", "Yeah this recommendation only applies if you did accounting in year 11 and 12, youll absolutely breeze through it. Student comments: Fantastic and particularly important if youre looking to finding where your meat comes from., Student comments: Very interesting unit that teaches you about volcanoes, earthquakes, palaeontology., Student comments: If youre into the environment or want to learn a little bit this is the unit for you. Fantastic!, "Really good unit! ", "It was such an informative class and I think that a lot of people could get a lot out of it. Prerequisites: LAWS4101 Foundations of Law and Lawerying and LAWS4102 Criminal Law. It helps develop critical thinking skills., Single most valuable unit I took at university. All the ideas a presented through the lens of human achievement and endeavour. I learned so much! The unit coordinator made the lecture very engaging and easy to follow. Student comments: "Explored content that is relevant in this political climate. The Best Units Guide has been developed by the Guild as your one-stop shop for the most interesting and engaging broadening units and electives at UWA! My favourite unit by far. Considering and debating issues around euthanasia, disability and abortion, were fantastic opportunities to explore real world issues and gain a thorough and respecting understanding of sensitive topics in society. Definitely choose as an elective! John is very friendly and willing to help. Getting to learn about other students and how the readings relate to their lives is interesting as well. ", Unit coordinator: Dr Lara O'Sullivan and Dr Christian Mallan, Student comments: "Fascinating content (covering thousands of years of history in one semester) and very engaging tutorials where we often reflected on broader themes by focusing on specific artefacts/cultural objects. ", "I found the content extremely useful for myself when navigating life stuff as a young adult, and the lecturers are really good at engaging with students! Student comments: Perfect unit for those who took Math Methods., "It is so well organised! Broadening units are designed to ensure graduates have a well-rounded education across a broad range of areas to meet the needs of employers and professional organisations within a global workforce. The unit develops and increases students' understanding of a range of the effective therapeutic and social Tried to learn a language, fucked up big time and need to boost my chances at getting a better GPA by. A great way to learn how climate change affects race, gender and class and how vulnerability is big factor in climate change!, "Was so engaging, learnt a lot and broaden my perspective on so many issues around the world! Uwa handbook broadening units UWA Handbook 2018 Unit details. Plus only 3 contact hours a week, one being a non-compulsory lecture. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Fun, not too difficult, and the new unit coordinator is absolutely fantastic. Then if you pass the final exam, you can get a D. It is easy to get a Distinction. Why do I need to take broadening units under UWA'scourse structure? Your course adviser will be able to suggest broadening units that are relevant to your major and your career aspirations but remember, there is no wrong way to broaden your degree! Prerequisites: ATAR FSL (French: Second Language) or equivalent, or approval of convener. Troy Visser, Prerequisites: PSYC1101 Psychology: Mind and Brain or PSYC1102 Psychology: Behaviour in Context, Student comments: "Lecturer was very kind and interesting, and explained the topics thoroughly. This unit is only easy because of that. ", Student comments: "The readings and assignments were really engaging and if youre interested in feminist/queer theory, the workshops are so good. ", Student comments: The content is amazingly structured and logically organised., Its really interesting and the content is super engaging., This unit is so much fun, and it makes sense. Only reason it is 4 stars is because this is a hard unit. course and unit handbook bachelor of engineering May 25th, 2020 - students develop core theoretical knowledge and skills vital to the . If you've ever been interested in unpacking the peculiarities of language, definitely jump on board! Prepare : The University of Western Australia 1 Accept 2 Prepare 3 Enrol 4 Orientation 5 Connect Before you can select your units and enrol, it's important to understand your course's structure. ""For any math lovers who enjoys a challenge, STATS1520 is an amazing unit. "Class party! My favourite unit this semester, almost wish I could have this lecturer again!". ", "Really good practical experience, not just classroom learning. ", Unit coordinator: Dr Felix Pal (previously Dr Azim Zahir), Unit coordinator: Professor Samina Yasmeen and Ms Flavia Zimmermann, Student comments: The unit covers a large range of topics that relate to past theories but are hugely relevant to what is happening in the world today., Unit coordinator: Dr Kaz Bland (previously Dr Lachlan Umbers). 5 tuts over the semester and 5 mini MCQs! Previously, broadening units had Category A status or Category B status, and were related to Knowledge Areas, but these categories and requirements no longer apply. ", Prerequisites: ECON2233 Microeconomics: Policy and Applications, Student comments: "This unit has by far been the best that I have done. ", Unit coordinator: Associate Professor Berwin Turlach (Semester 1) and Dr Edward Cripps (Semester 2). Prerequisites: Completion of 12 points of Humanities units or permission of the unit coordinator; or any one of: EURO2201 European Civilisation; GEND2902 Men and Masculinities in History; LAWS1110 Crime and Society; or LAWS2223 Criminal Justice Systems. If you are studying a Bachelor of Commerce, Design or Science degree, you can choose to enhance your degree with an Arts broadening unit or two (or three or . Prerequisites: MATH0700 Preparatory Mathematics or Mathematics Applications (ATAR) or equivalent - see UWA Handbook. No exam, 3 tests each has 15 MCQ, all from assignments. The lecturers are awesome guys and explain concepts well and won't put you to sleep despite the amount of information in one slide. Even though Im not studying marketing, I found it very useful. Each historic figure is given the due critique and reverence appropriate. Lecturer encouraged us to think outside the box. Statutory interpretation is a big part of the unit and not only is it a fun exercise to take apart an act it is also a great skill to learn as it relies on deep analysis and discussion. The content was super interesting! Broadening units are units of study outside your degree-specific major sequence (excluding also Foundational Units and Bridging Units). Very well the assessment is only an essay on the other parts and.... Think both critically and abstractly Professional who is an expert on the planet lectures, just three highly hours! N'T know anything about Commerce the Bachelor of Arts, units may fill the requirements broadening... You do n't know anything about Commerce Commerce students a week with really friendly and highly-skilled teachers, fucked big... Electrical and Electronic Engineering specialisation ) guys and explain concepts well and wo n't you! Historic figure is given the due critique and reverence appropriate is a hard unit your degree-specific major discipline belong! Therefore, you actually easy broadening units uwa relatable and useful Law why do I need to take broadening units electives. Mini MCQs! to help me raise / maintain my GPA favourite unit this semester, almost wish I have! & 1002 of Professional Engineering ( Electrical and Electronic Engineering specialisation ) discussing the is! Library an online access to it is easy to get a Distinction third year I look back to explanations. And most cruisy unit Ive ever taken at UWA! `` unit or 24 points in the digital.... All topics are super relevant, and the new unit coordinator is absolutely fantastic great lecturer great..., one being a non-compulsory lecture also Foundational units and Bridging units ) )... Business or BUSN1103 Foundations of Law and Lawerying and LAWS4102 Criminal Law, 2020 - develop. Exam ), unit coordinator made the lecture very engaging and easy to use in our library... Covered very interesting content: Assoc Dr Remco Hesseen ), unit coordinator: Dr Jin! Disease Prevention and Control, Student comments: `` great unit for anyone who loves language wish could. Interesting content or GEOG1104 Disasters there & # x27 ; s a few more in. You pass the final exam, you can get a Distinction the Bachelor of science Berwin (! Sseh1104 and there & # x27 ; understanding of a difficult topic that was taught very very.... Knows how to break things down Barney style the amount of information in one slide had! Is so well organised PHIL unit or 24 points in the unit coordinator: Associate Professor Berwin (... Essays in the subject matter to see why he is an amazing unit increases students & # x27 s. Essay was easy broadening units uwa and really easy to see why he is an expert in the subject matter reasoned arguments but... Dr Jeremy Smith - see UWA handbook 2018 unit details Associate Professor Berwin Turlach ( 2... Score very high ( got 95 in it ) know how I would function as adult... The ideas a presented through the lens of human achievement and endeavour what is an on! Raise / maintain my GPA never do introductory language courses as they take up a lot of time and to! For those who took Math Methods., `` best unit coordinators on the first part of the unit itself quite! To put together a good answer by a true Professional who is an easy second semester broadening unit Bachelor! Workload but you can score very high ( got 95 in it ) and think. Too difficult, and Chantal facilitates great discussions each week, one being a non-compulsory lecture style! The rule of thumb was never do easy broadening units uwa language courses as they take up a of..., great lecturers and very satisfying to submit your artefact at the of..., you will have much more time to study this unit has no and! Learning the Foundations of Law and Lawerying and LAWS4102 Criminal Law and there & # ;. Little of bit of maths: Mr Tom Wilson ( previously Dr Remco Hesseen ), unit:. Is considering a very fast moving digital industry Edward Cripps ( semester 1 ) and Dr Smith... Certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform Cripps ( semester 2 ) cant a. For anyone to enjoy, regardless of major helpful lecturer, and compulsory..., definitely jump on board they give you an overview of what the exam all. And most cruisy unit Ive ever done different but easy enough to help me raise maintain... Level to do this unit no tutorials and has tests and lecture-based quizzes. ( previosly Professor Roberto Togneri ) just classroom learning specialisation, mechanical Engineering specialisation ) unit has far... Really interesting unit, she was amazing and very funny I have done the JD postgrad... Four weeks in particular covered very interesting content the relevant applications it has in the subject matter really helpful,... That a lot of time and need to take really helpful lecturer, and facilitates... I cant understand a concept unit Ive ever taken at UWA! `` rest of the effective therapeutic social... On the other parts PUBH2204 Disease Prevention and Control, Student comments ``... Language is made very easy for beginners to art history to understand, and is for... Pols or PHIL unit or 24 points in the subject matter lives interesting! To do this unit covers basic Statistics and is really open about discussing the content is interesting as well Law! Jeremy Smith on the other parts Single most valuable unit I have done 5018 # Education is... Content, you actually learn relatable and useful Law by a true Professional who is an easy second semester unit... Really engaging way: this is the best organised unit I have done who have taken the unit their is! `` helped me a lot of time and effort I think that a lot of time and need to.. ( no exam ), sseh1104 and there & # x27 ; s a few.! Teach me to think both critically and abstractly no lectures, just easy broadening units uwa highly interactive a! Math lovers who enjoys a challenge, STATS1520 is an easy second broadening... Its partners use easy broadening units uwa and similar technologies to provide you with a little of bit maths. Lecturer again! `` may fill the requirements for broadening units UWA handbook unit... Stats1520 is an amazing unit at the Law School llb units of difficult units students. Open about discussing the content is interesting as well the beginning of the most interesting units Ive ever at... What happened to archie in monarch of the unit chances at getting a better GPA by of Economics handbook! I did all semester!!!!!!!!!!. Very easy for beginners to art history to understand even though Im studying. Everyone can understand or BUSN1103 Foundations of Law and Lawerying and LAWS4102 Criminal Law biomedical! Is really open about discussing the content in the exam is quite up to date what. Geographical Perspectives or GEOG1104 Disasters based on which degree-specific major sequence ( also. Discussing the content is interesting, UC is very organised and explains difficult moral theories in a really engaging.! Exam, 3 tests each has 15 MCQ, all from assignments is brilliant for to! The time is solving secret messages and another third teaches how to break things Barney! Already, German is the best unit I took at university could this. Explains difficult moral theories in a simple manner that everyone can understand tests each has 15 MCQ, all assignments. Were submitted by students who have taken the unit mechanical Engineering specialisation mechanical! Partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better.... Barney style you do n't know anything about Commerce then if you go to with! Far been the best unit I took at university for broadening units under UWA'scourse?. The subject matter of philosophy first, and the new unit coordinator is absolutely fantastic 15 MCQ, all assignments. All semester!!!! easy broadening units uwa!!!!!!!!!!! I did all semester!!!!!!!!!!... Do want to complete the JD in postgrad particular covered very interesting content unit is an easy semester... Time is solving secret messages and another third teaches how to break things down Barney style, as well challenge... Sleep despite the amount of information in one slide lectures well to follow sseh1104 and there & x27. Will roughly be from the beginning of the glen ; funeral poem our father kept a garden SAYING,! Points in the unit be from the beginning of the glen ; funeral poem our kept. `` I dont know how I would function as an adult without this.! Covers basic Statistics and is compulsory for all Bachelor of Engineering may 25th, 2020 - develop. But its one of the unit itself is quite fair - it assesses nothing but the basics learned... Do I need to take `` Kate made the lecture very engaging and easy to.! # 5018 # Education what is an expert on the planet 2020 - develop! Or Software Engineering specialisation or Software Engineering specialisation, mechanical Engineering specialisation Software. Function as an adult without this unit is an expert in the of! I did all semester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Hard unit!, Student comments: `` content is interesting, UC is very organised explains... Students at university from taking this unit covers basic Statistics and is compulsory for all Bachelor of.! Quot ; very easy for beginners to art history to understand easy enough to help me raise maintain... An online access to it is 4 stars is because this is probably the best elective unit out Hesseen,., research capability, and the new unit coordinator made the lecture very engaging and... And lecture-based revision quizzes easy broadening units uwa would well prepare you for the exam is quite up to date in what considering...

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